These are songs you can use for your town theme. To change your town theme, go to the "bulletin board" to the right of the dump. It will have little notes on it. Go up to the board and press A. You can now change your town theme by moving the left joystick up and down to change the note, and press A to keep it that way. Then the cursor will move on to the next note for you to change. This is how the songs work:
Lower case letter = lower note Upper case letter = middle or high note - = rest Z = zzz note ? = ? note *Some songs that include quotation marks (") in the title are made-up songs by their respective posters. *All songs are property and responsibility of their respective posters from the GameFaqs Animal Crossing Message Board. If they don't sound quite right, it is because AC doesn't allow flats or sharps in the songs.
To hear how the song sounds, press the X button. To leave the song as is, press the Start button. And now for the songs (in alphabetical order)...
A "+" by the #Reviewers entry indicates that I have reviewed the song myself!
COMPLETE LIST: Songs Sorted By Title
Title (Artist/Info) |Tune |Category |Accur|#Review| Credit | | |-acy | -ers/ | | | | / 1812 Overture cfGAGfGA-f-f--zz Classical 5 2 tadakatsu 19-2000 (New Gorillaz) g-bdb-G-D---zzzz ElectDance 4 1 GorillazFan87 1979 (Smashing Pumpkins) b-b-bbbc-gg-ggg- Rock * Remer88 1985 (Screeching Weasel) e-ffe-ffe-ffABB- Rock * Remer88 3 Libras (A Perfect Circle) c-abczc-abcze-cd 3 1 30Seconds2Mars-TheMission GfGAGfeGGfGAGfee Stoud A-Team Theme(MikePost&PeteCarpenter)C-GC----fG-c T.V. 4 Phoojoeniam AHorseWithNoName-Chorus(America) ADzDDDzDDCAAA-zz Rock 4 Zoonie A Lost Sense acacgcbeEebcgcga Cfree Adam's Song (Blink 182) aec-aec-gec-gecz Rock * SolidSnake182 Adam's Song (Blink 182) AECzAECzGECzGECz Rock SoIidSnake Adult Swim Theme g-a-zggzag-a-zzz TV 2.5 1 HuanLp Aijou Ippai (Sakura Taisen) c--de-dcf--AC--z Show Tune 4 1 Ain'tNuthinButAGThang(DrDre) DCDEDC-BA-GA--zz Rap Alabama fight song E-CGAG--AD-AD-- College 3 1 greatn Alaska Flag song c-a--ba-bbc-d-e- Trad'nal bjackm All Star-Chorus(SmashMouth) af-fdfz-fdfzfza-z Pop 3 Zoonie AllTheSmallThings(Blink182) A-f-zzze-f-zzzzz Rock 5 1 Thalandor AllTheSmallThings(Blink182) ecZZgbcZZecZZbcZ Rock belbie AmericanJesus(BadReligion) A-ABC-BCD-CBCBA- Punk 4 1 American Pie (Don McLean) G---F-FFedcd-ZZZ RockClsc 4.5 2 duffman935 AnimalCrossing-DefaultTownTheme GE-GFD-BCz?zc-zz benpoke103 AnimalCrossing-DJ K.K. CCC-BAGAzezeGA-z VideoGame 4.5 1 AquaDoctorBob AnimalCrossing-DJ K.K. CCCCBAGAgegeGAgg VideoGame AnimalCrossing-K.K. Fusion dfGe-cd-xdfGe-ca AC Stoud AnimalCrossing-Kapp'n'sSong eeGCzGez efGA-Gzz VideoGame Candy AnimalCrossing-Rockin' K.K. cdfCCCCCAfAfffff VideoGame LordCrackie Another Fateful Night eeddccczeeddczzz ? * Wraith10 AnotherOneBitesTheDust(Queen)AzAzAzzzAACADzz Rock 2 1+ SoIidSnake Arkansas Traveler CEDCA-AAG-G-C-C- Trad'nal 5 1 Forkbomb Auburn fight song G--zE-D-CC-AG-- College 4 1 greatn Auld Lang Syne gcccedcdecceGA-- Holiday 4 1+ Cromis Auld Lang Syne g-c--cc-e-d--cd- Holiday Crawreb Auld Lang Syne g-c--ce-ed--cd- Holiday 4 1 Greer Baby Elephant Walk f-acfAGfdbc-zzzz Trad'nal * CapnScurvy Back to the Future theme CzFzB-CDCAFB-zzz Movie 3 1 Rufio23 Back to the Future Theme C--F--B---CDCAFB Movie 4 Phoojoeniam Balloon Fight Theme AzzBDGzzzAEGzGDG VideoGame AnimalCrossingManual Batmanuel (The Tick) DzDzCzADzDzDCzAz Rock HannaG BeautifulPeople(MarilynManson) EGEzEAEAEzEAEAEz Rock Be Our Guest eGC-eGB-eGAGEcG- Movie 1 1+ Dune Tiger Beer (Reel Big Fish) bcdaabcgefGbcda Punk * Remer88 Beethoven's 5th Symphony fffd---zeeec---z Classical 3 1 Avatar Z BeverlyHillsCop(AxelFoley) eeGGeAAdeeBBeCBG T.V. JarrodE/bjackm BeverlyHillsCop(AxelFoley) eZCZeAAdeZBZeCBG T.V. JarrodE Biggus Inc. (Self Composed) gabcze-d-gabczbc Vespa Billie Jean(MichaelJackson) CBBA-G-BB-A-G--- Pop * LegacyX4 Bionic Commando-Area 5 c--e--f---efgd-- VideoGame 4 1 Secef BLEEPed up Kid (Mest) edccedcggedcgbcc Stoud Bonnie Bradley (Samantha 7) abcaeacaexacgegd Stoud BoomBoomDollar(DandeDanceRevolution)CBGC-BzCBGBBCzzz 4 1 Vespa Brain Stew (Green Day) Ddzcczbbzggbbddz Rock * Remer88 BreakfastAtTiffanies(DeepBlueSomething)d-f-c-fdc-zeeefd Pop 3.5 1 Thalandor Brinstar Theme CAfAfDCDCAfAfACE VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Bro Hymn (Pennywise) g--Gfd--A-e-Cfg- Rock * Remer88 Bruised(Technochorus)(Apartment26) deEdeEdedeEedeff Stoud Bubble Bobble CBAGBAgfAgfeg-zz VideoGame 4 1 BubbleBobbleIIIParasolStars bcdebcdebcd-B-g- VideoGame 5 1 Burger Time e-g-g-fef-A-A-zz VideoGame 3 1 Bust-A-Move/Puzzle Bobble e-eg-g-f-A-zzzzz VideoGame 5 1 Butterfly(DandeDanceRevolution)GAGAC-GBDEDCAzzz 3.5 1 Vespa Cadillac (Mest) cbcc--xxcccbcc-- 2 1 Stoud Can'tStop(RedHotChiliPeppers) ffD-E-fffD-Efffd Rock 4 GuitarManARS CaptainJack(DandeDanceRevolution)edededc-ededeGG 3.5 1 Vespa Carousel (Blink 182) CDEFGFECGBBCDCBG Rock SoIidSnake Carousel (Blink182) cdefgfecgbbcdcbg Rock * SolidSnake182 Castlevania DDCB-defgAd-AgC- VideoGame zoogpiccolo Castlevania II-BloodyTears GDB---AGA-D-B--z VideoGame 2 1 Secef Castlevania-Bloody Tears DagFEFEDEFgFECED VideoGame GuardianBooJoh Castlevania-Vampire Killer ddzczb--Da-D-agc VideoGame GuardianBooJoh Centerfold (Chorus) B-DBAGGzEGGEGAzE Rock 4 Zoonie Cheers Theme eedefGGGAGfefdc T.V. 1 1+ doughboyee Cheers theme f---cdfAG-G-zz T.V. 2 1+ Hedgehog14 Cheers Theme, Intro c-gaceddc-gacef- T.V. 2.5 2+ Bman CheersThemeWhereEverybody...GGGAGfef-dczbcde T.V. 3 1 Bman ChestnutsRoastingOpenFire c-C--BA-GFEEE--- Holiday * Stoud Chick Magnet (MXPX) cfzezdzcgbzazbzc Rock * Remer88 Chrono adefa--ec-- JarrodE/bjackm Chrono's Theme / Epoch ad-e-f-a--e-c-- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger Crono's Theme adefzaeczaceABzz VideoGame Cfree Chronotrigger Magus Theme EDGEzzCzBzCzzBzb VideoGame Cfree ChronoTrigger-2ndLavosBattle ABCBAGAefGA--G-- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Aylas Theme a-c-G--fedc-d-e- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Beginning GcbabcdGcbabcdGz VideoGame Cfree ChronoTrigger-Bike Chase AZGAZGAZGDZCZZZZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Boss Battle ddda-A-G-GGGf--Z VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Chrono'sTheme abef-zaec-aceAB-- VideoGame 5 1 Cfree ChronoTrigger-Frog's Theme e-eecde--A--G--e VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Gatos Theme dZcaZcdddedcacdd VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Lucca's Theme C-ceGC-BBBCG--ZZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Lucca'sTheme/Robo's cc-dd-cdd-Ged--Z VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Magus'sTheme edGe--c-b-c---Z VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Queen Zeal DDZZAAZCCZBCBBZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Robos Theme cc-dd-cdd-a--ec- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Schala'sTheme GGddffddGGddAAff VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Spekkio! e-C---Ge-A---ZZZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Time Circuits adeGAadeGadeAcd VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Time Circuits adeGAadeGadeAade VideoGame Quaker Oats ChronoTrigger-WindScene CBGeA--AGecde-d- VideoGame 4.5 1 ancient_chozo ChronoTrigger-WindScene-600A.D. dZZeZZfZeZcZaZdZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog CKY-96 Quite Bitter Beings eGBb-eGBCBebexce Stoud Clerks Theme (first half) abb-bbb-babdxxxx Stoud Close Encounters 3rd Kind D-zE-zC-zc-zG-z Movie 4 1+ JoeFaust Close Encounters 3rd Kind A--B--G--g--d--x Movie CloseToMe-keyboard(TheCure) GzfzeczzzzGzfzec Rock-80's 2 1 Secef CockTheHammer(CypressHill) aagacb--aagacb-- Rap 4 1 S Gastelum Come as you are (Nirvana) ezGAezGAezGABAGe Rock 4 1 AlexInABag Complicated-Opening(AvrilLavigne) GdzcbcbgGdzcbcbg Pop 4 Zoonie Computing ACa-CEd-aGe-GBga Cfree Crawling (Linkin Park) aA-zf-zzze-fe-d- Pop 3.5 2 Thalandor Crazy (Aerosmith) ceGA-ZZfABAZZABC Rock belbie Crazy Train (Ozzy Osborne) ddzzzzzzffzzcczz Rock 3.5 1 Thalandor Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne) ddzzzffzzcczzddz Rock 4 1 Scott Rhinehart Crazy Train (OzzyOsbourne) aaeafaeadcbcdcbg Rock Shane Cruel Angel's Thesis (EvaOP)e-G-A-GA AADCBABz 4 1 Candy Dammit (Blink 182) CzCDzDEGzGDzDE Rock SoIidSnake Dammit (Blink182) c-cd-de-g-gd-de- Rock * SolidSnake182 Damnit (Blink 182) c-d-eg-d-ea-d-e- Rock 4 1 Thalandor Dammit (Blink 182) gab-dab-eab-cba- Rock Shane Dances With Wolves Theme F--CFa-F-F--gFC- Movie GuardianBooJoh Danny Boy acde--de-AG-edca Lullaby 4 Dare(StanBush/Transformers) BxxGABC-B-Axdd-- Movie Stoud Daria A-f-BzzAzzf--- 3 1 greatn DarkLichBattle-SecretOfMana ccaaccddccaaggaa 5 1 Vespa Dead Body Man (ICP) exexBAGxcexxxxxx Stoud Deck the Halls G-fe-d-c-d-e-c-z Holiday 5 1+ Cromis Dehydration (Pressure 4-5) dedcdcbcdcgxxG-- 2 1 Stoud DependOnYou(AyumiHamasaki) GDBA-AG-G--AGF-- ? * SmellyCat67 Di Gi Charat Theme cde-de-g-b-- Digimon Theme dfe-dfe-dfefGG-- Cartoon Briankun Dixie (maybe) eCe-e-egace-e-ec Trad'nal 3 1+ JoeFaust DoingItAnyway(Apartment26) ddddfdxxdddcd-A- Stoud Don't Cry 4 Me Argentina e-e-e-e-f-G-AG-- Musical 3 1+ Cromis Don'tFearTheReaper(BlueOysterCult)GADC-GAC-GAC-GAC Rock 2 1 Secef Don'tWantToMissAThing(Aerosmith)BCDEEAFDBDEFF-E- Rock 1 1+ Pikachu4President Dope Hat(Marilyn Manson) g-g-b-b-a-a-aba- Doreme (Sound Of Music) c--de--ce-c-e--- Musical 5 1+ Cromis Double Dragon 1 - Mission 1 BAzBAzB-BAD--C-z VideoGame 4 1 Secef Dr. Mario theme DEDEDCCADEDCC-zz VideoGame 5 1 GreenLatrine Dradel Song dbdbdb-bddcba--- Holiday 4 1 Sean&JET5041 Dragon Ball Z Opening ge-deGe-ge-de--Z T.V. EinTheDoggyDog Dragon Ball Z powering up e-e-G--e-e-AG-- VideoGame 4 1 greatn Dragonfly (DandeDanceRevolution)BBCDE-DCG-BDE-zz 3 1 Vespa DragonHeart Theme E--DF-E-E--DF-E- Movie GuardianBooJoh DragonQuest1/DragonWarrior1 efGCBAG-Aef----z VideoGame 4 KinCryos Dueling Banjos ggabcdcbeefGABAf Pop 1 1+ LegacyX4 Dueling Banjos ggbcdcdb-eeGABAG Pop 3 1+ LegacyX4 Dueling Banjos Intro bcd-b-c-a-b-g-a- Pop 5 2+ Forkbomb EarthBound Theme (Nintendo) fACB-C-ACG-A---z VideoGame 5 1 BGM Earthbound-A New Friend AcdcdcdabGCEz--- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Defeat a Boss BGDADAbAagz---- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Fanfare FACBzCzACGzAz-- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Meeting a Boss dadadadcCz----- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Ness's Theme bcbabcbabczzz--- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Onett cdec--cdedcbczzz VideoGame * LegacyX4 Earthbound-Onett theme GCEA---GCEBAGAzz VideoGame Elite Earthbound-Snowwood f-BC-BA-ABAGA--z VideoGame 3 1 Secef Earthbound-Sound Stone dGAB-BDA-ABGZZZ bjackm Edelweiss(RodgersHammerstein) e-GD--C--Gf---zzz Movie 3 2 Greer Edelweiss(RodgersHammerstein) e--GD---C--Gf--- Movie * Peanut Drizzle Eighth of January b-b-bag-abagE-g- Trad'nal 5 1 Forkbomb El Lay (NOFX) AAfffCCGGGzzzzzz ? * Remer88 Electric Baby (Mest) GG--ee--edeced-- Stoud End of the Day feBedzGgbzbzacfg Cfree Engel (Rammstein) G---gd---gc---gz PSXManiac1234 Engel(Rammstein) D--zAC--AB--GA-- Rock 4.5 1 mrviking Enough (Pressure 4-5) Gcg-G--f--e--Gcg Stoud ET Theme c---G---fedec---g--- Hedgehog14 ET Theme c---G---Zfedecg- Movie ZombieBite ET Theme G-D-CBABG-D---ZZ Movie doughboyee Eye Of The Tiger eZedeZedeZebc--- 2 1 belbie Eyes on Me gc-d-e-Ge-decacd EinTheDoggyDog Fairly Odd Parents-Ending A-feddefe-zzf--z Cartoon 2 Zoonie Fairyland Story (intro) CBCBAgAgfefgAED- VideoGame 4 1 FearOfTheDark (Iron Maiden) ddaaddeeffeeddee Rock 5 TrowaBarton FinalFantasy10-HymnOfTheFayth D-a-g-b--b-a-bcD VideoGame GuardianBooJoh FinalFantasy10-Suteki Da Ne b-c-f-zzA-zze-zz VideoGame 4 1 Thalandor FinalFantasy1-BattleTheme aed--zcbazabczbg VideoGame 4 1 greatn FinalFantasy1-Matoya'sCave1 aceaf-edcb--- VideoGame bjackm FinalFantasy1-Matoya'sCave2 A---b-d-cbca---Z VideoGame bjackm FinalFantasy1-Victory dcdcffefeedcbca- VideoGame GortSCHS FinalFantasy3/6-BattleTheme abceGfdfe-a--zzz VideoGame 4 1 greatn FinalFantasy3/6-JidoorTheme efeAeedzdedBddcz VideoGame RiskyChris FinalFantasy3-ChocoboTheme C-AfdCAfA-f-A-zz VideoGame * EvilLemmy FinalFantasy3-ChocoboTheme D-BGfDBGB-G-B--- VideoGame * LegacyX4 FinalFantasy3-ChocoboWaltzDe D-BGEDBGB-g-B-zz MetalGearRexMGS FinalFantasy6-Boss Battle aedcZbcdbga---ZZ VideoGame LockeTH462 FinalFantasy6-FigaroCastle a-c-b--gacbgacb VideoGame 4 Jasan FinalFantasy6-FigaroCastle A--C-B--GACBGACB VideoGame LockeTH462 FinalFantasy6-SlamShuffle(Zozo)azAzd-zefefgfeC- FinalFantasy7-Aerith'sTheme eGA--zececGA--zz VideoGame 4 1 BGM FinalFantasy7-AfterBattle BBBB--G--A-B-AB- VideoGame FIMBA798 FinalFantasy7-Airship Theme c-deB-A--cdeGfcd VideoGame 5 1 Washuu108 FinalFantasy7-Tifa'sPianoSong gabzBA-gabGFzgag VideoGame 3 1 Puffypuff FinalFantasy7-Yuffie'sTheme gabzzdbzzbcbgabz Videogame 3 1 Bman FinalFantasy8-Eyes on Me gcdeGedecacd VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm FinalFantasy8-LagunaTheme ezAzGzdezeAzGzd VideoGame 3 1 greatn FinalFantasy9-misc a--CD-f-A----zzz VideoGame LordCrackie FinalFantasy9-misc E---g-E-C--bh-e- VideoGame LordCrackie FinalFantasy9-You'reNotAlone eZcZbdaZeeecbacG VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog FinalFantasy10-SutekiDaNe def-e-G-efGfdGec VideoGame ElectricStryke FinalFantasy-Fanfare AAAA-f-G-AzGA VideoGame kucletus FinalFantasy-Prologue(NobuoUematsu)gcdgf-edcbcdac-b VideoGame 4 1 Leon Stryke FinalFantasy-Victory Music DCDCffEfEEDCBCA VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm FinalFantasy-Victory Theme bbbb-g-a-bab---z VideoGame * EvilLemmy Flintstones GcCAGcGfeefGcde- T.V. 3 1+ belbie ForWhomTheBellTolls(Metallica)CBAG--fedcb--zz Movie 4 Whomp&Q-Bird Fraggle Rock Theme cxcxcxabcxcxcxab T.V. Stoud Funkytown(Lipps Inc) GGfGzdzdfCBGzzzz 4 1 ArcHammer2 FurElise(LudwigVanBeethoven)EDEDEBDCA--ceAB- Classical anonymous Fuyu no Ballad(FieldofView) f-B-GGfeddc-ba-z 4 1 Lycian F-zero-Mute City GfedefGfed-zzzz Videogame 4 1 NintendoAce F-zero-tetris AefGfedzdfAGfe Videogame 3.5 1 NintendoAce Galaga Stage Start e-cd-fe-cd-AG-cd Mr. Wizard Gangplank Galleon fedcdefedefaf- JarrodE/bjackm Gauntlet (Stage 1) ezBABzezezCBCzez VideoGame Mr. Wizard GekiteiChorusIntro(SakuraTaisen)C-D-E--EEDCD-- VideoGame5 Ghostbusters GGbGafZZGGGGfGZZ Movie 1 1+ JarrodE/bjackm GirlAlltheBadGuysWant(BowlingforSoup)ffGA-Gff-Gf--zzz Rock DM24 Glycerine part 1 (Bush) g-gg-gggc-cc-ccc Rock 2.5 2 Thalandor Glycerine part 2 (Bush) e-ee-eeec-cc-ccc Rock 2 2 Thalandor God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen EEbbagfEDEfgab-z Holiday 1 2+ GuardianBooJoh God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen eebbagfedefgab-z Holiday * Peanut Drizzle Godfather Theme eACBACABAfGe--zz Movie 4 1 GreenLatrine Godzilla Battle Song cba-cba-cbagabcb Movie * CapnScurvy Goldfinger - King for a Day CB-A-G--C-BA-fAG Movie * Secef Good Eats GAEDCBCAAAg-agaz Damianogre/knucklesZ5 Good King Wenceslas fffGffc-dcdef-f- Holiday 5 1+ Cromis Goonies Theme(endofchorus) eGGGGGAxxeCBAGA- Movie Stoud Grandia Theme gcdf--efedcd--e- Videogame 3 1 Bman GuiltyGearX-SuckASage-Chipp'sStage aAGAaDCACAGAaAGA Videogame sean1w2 GundamWing-JustCommunication f-G-A--GAG-Ae--z Anime 4 1 Secef Hail and Kill (Manowar) fe--fa--fe--f--z Metal 5 1 ChickenSoda Hamtaro (End Theme) AzGzfzezdzzdefGz Anime 2 Zoonie Happy Days Theme adfABCBzbeGBCDC T.V. 1.5 2+ GreenLatrine HappyChristmas(SakuraTaisen)gAgAC--gAgAedc-- Show Tune 4 1 Harry Potter - Fawkes Theme c-d-feg-c-C-g-e- Movie Foerlytheon Harry Potter Theme ad-fed-AG--e-- Movie bjackm Hash Pipe (Weezer) bbddbbddbbddbbe Rock * Remer88 HateEveryBeautifulDay(Sugarcult) bAG-bAG-bAG-bede Stoud HateToSayIToldYouSo(TheHives)ccgbbbgdddbaaaaz Rock 4 1 S Gastelum HaveYourselfAMerryLittleChristmas g-b-d-f-Gfedc-b- Holiday 3 1+ Cromis HeadOnCollision(NewFoundGlory)C-A-Gfffd-ffGfA- Rock DM24 Heart and Soul c-c-c--babcd-zz Musical PlatformerMastah HeartOfSwords(RurourniKenshin)FAecc-cdFGedc- 4 1 Vespa Hey Leonardo-Chorus(BlessedUnionOfSouls) AAAGA--fDC-AAGAG Pop 3 Zoonie Holiday (Weezer) bededeb--dec--xx Rock 3 1 Stoud Hollywood and Vine (Samantha 7) eeeee-eeffec-gff Stoud Home Alone Theme GeGeC-G-dAGce-d- Movie Hedgehog14 Home From Home(Millencolin) ggggggddggggggdd ? * Remer88 Hummer (Smashing Pumpkins) gab-bb-bb-bb-bb- Rock * Remer88 Hummer (Smashing Pumpkins) gab-bb-bgab-bb-b Rock * Remer88 Ice Cap Zone dgDgBgggAgBgAgdg VideoGame I get Around (Beach Boys) GGGG-eeee-AdCBAx RockClsc Stoud IGetKnockedDown(ChumbaWumba) --ACDE--DEAGEDCA Pop I was Framed (Samantha 7) fff-xddAfedxfff- Stoud If U C Jordan AD-B-BA-ad-b-ba- Rock 5 Zoonie I'm just a kid (Simple Plan)ccdc--c-baged-- David Asgarian I'mBurningForYou(BlueOysterCult) e-decG--e-dec--z Rock 3 1 Secef InAGaddaDaVida(IronButterfly)d-d-fecdBAGdzzzz Rock 2 In The End d-A-A-f-e-e-e-ef K K the Dog In The End (Linkin Park) a-e-e-c-b-b-b-bc Pop 5 2 Thalandor In the Garage (Weezer) ACG-BDA-ACGAFFF- Rock 4 1 Stoud In Too Deep-Chorus (Sum41) CDf-Gf-CDf--GA-z Rock 3 Zoonie InstrumentsOfDestruction (NRG/Transformers) eeeGxefxf-d-dfde Movie Stoud Invader Zim theme dzdzdddbdddbdfzz Cartoon 4 2 CodeHunter64 Iron Man A-CzCDDzA-CzCEDz Rock 3 Zoonie Ironman (Black Sabbath) g-c-cdd-fffdcdd- Rock 3 MethRattle Itchy and Scratchy Gc-GE-GcGcGE-CDE T.V. 4 1 Brian5701 I'veGotALovelyBunchOfCoconuts G-AB-AG-f-e-d-c- ? * CapnScurvy I'veGotALovelyBunchOfCoconuts G-G-ABBAG-fzff-z ? * The Crow James Bond gaZfe---acd---ZZ Movie 2 bjackm Japanese School Bell B-G-A-d-d-A-B-G- meleequeen JazzyCat(DanceDanceRevolution)dezgzgzgzgzgb-zz VideoGame 4 1 Jeremy opening (Pearl Jam) g-cdg-G---g-f--- Rock heliotropic JesuJoyOfMan'sDesiring(Bach) cdeGffAGGCBCGecz Classical 4 1 Harle Jigglypuff's Song c--Ge-d--ef-e--z T.V. 4 1+ Medi Guy JingleBellRock(BobbyHelms) CCC-BBB-ABAe--zz Holiday 3 Nekojin Jingle Bells Chorus eee-eee-egc-de-- Holiday * JoeFaust delete Jingle Bells Chorus eee-eee-eGc-dE-- Holiday 4 1+ JoeFaust Jingle Bells Intro GEDCG--GGEDCA--z Holiday 4 1+ JoeFaust Jingle Bells Intro gedcg--ggedca--z Holiday 4 1+ JoeFaust Jolly Old St. Nicholas EEEEDDD-CCCCE--- Holiday B_Campbell July 1st(Ayumi Hamasaki) B-G-d-f-f--G-G--- ? * SmellyCat67 JungleWaItsu-moHaleNochiGuu-Love...(SisterMAYO)B-AGBBAGC-AGCzzz 5 1 Lycian Jurassic Park - Park Theme BAB-e-d-BAB-e-d- Movie * LegacyX4 Jurassic Park Theme CBC-G-f-CBC-G-f- Movie Hedgehog14 Jurassic Park, Welcome to zcG-dA-BC-BGA--- Movie Hedgehog14 Keep You (Apartment26) c-dd-dedc-dd-ded Stoud Key to Gramercy Park(Deadsy)edbabdba---zzzzz KibouNoHoshiYo(SakuraTaisen)bcd-bgd-bcdbgec- Show Tune 3 1 KillTheBLEEPPlayer(ClerksSoundtrack) eexeeexeeeCCBBAA Stoud King's Quest Theme Dg--b--b--cbab-- VideoGame GuardianBooJoh Kirby64-FountainOfDreams A-e-CBA-ABCAGAe- VideoGame Kirby Fanfare agababcagZGfedbc VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog Kirby Theme GGC--zzzCEGCBAG- VideoGame * Candy Kirby's Theme A-Gfeca-defGezz VideoGame greatn Kiss From a Rose (Seal) g--d-fedcfec-- Kuzonoho Detective Agency aeadzazczazzEDE- VideoGame 3 1 Rena Land Of Confusion (Genesis) f-e-dc-e-a-c--zz Rock-80's 2 1 Secef Lateralis (Tool) D-A-GA-C-A-GAGAZ Rock gozar LegacyOfTheWizard-Dungeon1 a---d---edeb---z VideoGame 3 1 Secef Liberty E-C-E-C-E-EFEDC- Trad'nal 5 1 Forkbomb LifestylesOTRich&Famous(GoodCharlotte) EBB-BAGAG-BAGAG Rock 3 Zoonie Limelight (Rush) cefacCg-gef Rock 4 1 tiggerthehun Linkin Park d-A-A-f-e-e-e-ef Pop * K K The Dog Linkin Park - In The End A-D-D-C-B-B-B-B- Rock 4.5 1 Venusaur Rules Liquid Kids g-gC-B-A-BCB-A-g VideoGame 4.8 1 Lithium (Nirvana) aagazdefdcdbzaba Rock 4 1 AlexInABag LoneRanger(WillTelOverture) gggzgggzggczdzez T.V. 4 1+ Cromis Longview (Green Day) ga-e-d-cag-d-c-g Rock 2 1 conkergregg LotR-Concerning Hobbits cde-G-e-d-c----z Movie 5 1 Chrono007 LotR-Evil Theme CBC-----B-A-e-zz Movie 5 1 Chrono007 LotR-Fellowship Theme G---f---ffG----z Movie 3 1 LotR-Fellowship of the Ring C--BCBA-CB--e--- Movie 4 1 Scott LotR-Hobbit's Theme g-a-b--d---bag-- Movie 4 1 LOTR: Opening B--C--C-B-A-C-B- Movie 4 BlueWingX LotR-Riders of Rohan AAA-C-B--C--D--A Movie 4 1 Chrono007 Love Hina BBBBDGBdGbddcbcz Anime 5 2 Bman Low Rider eeeeeefzGzzzcefec 3 1 greatn Luigi's Mansion ffff-dfe-dzzzzzz VideoGame * GoldenPhoenix Luigi's Mansion Haunted bb-bb--gba--g--- VideoGame Cfree LumberjackSong(MontyPython) g-c-dedcba-a-a-- T.V. Mr. Wizard M*A*S*H TV Opening e-f-ef-e-f-e-d-- T.V. 4 2+ Secef M*A*S*H* DC--BCB- C-B-A--z T.V. 3 1+ Candy Magus' Theme edGe--cbc---Z VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Main Street Electrical czefGzczdzfzezzz T.V. bjackm ManhaDeCarnaval(Stan Getz) a--f--edd--cea-- Mario Fanfare BB-B-GB-D--d--zz VideoGame anonymous Mario Fanfare eeZeZceZGZZZgZZZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Mario Intro ZZCCZCZACZEZZZGZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Mario is Dead gfzfffzedczzzzzz VideoGame Medi Guy Mario Star CCCdCCdCCBBBcBBc VideoGame zoogpiccolo Mario Sunshine-Bianco Hills CDECzGzefefD--zz VideoGame 4 rapjr11 Mario theme ee-e-ce-G---g--- VideoGame * GreenLatrine Mario Theme Song Intro ZZCCZCZACZEZZZGZ VideoGame TheMan10 Mario Underground GGeeffzzGGeeffzz VideoGame Medi Guy MarioTheme(OriginalSuperMario)fdE-dEgaC-EfEfCD VideoGame Knives MarlynMansonAteMyGirlfriend(RelientK) bbcbabcccce-d-xx Rock Stoud Mcdonalds - Put a Smile On cccacd_GGGe-dc-- T.V. 4 1 greatn Mega Man got weapon GG_AA_BB_CBCDzzz VideoGame * Tell Mega Man theme aedaedaedcb--abc VideoGame 4 1 greatn MegaMan3-TopMan's Theme: cbad--cbad-decba VideoGame 5 1 Kobrakai1223 Megaman 7&8-Bass Theme a--E--G--fGfefe- VideoGame Knives Meow Mix Theme CBAGCBAGCBCDDBAG T.V. 3 1 EdenX Metal Gear Solid Game Over bbcba-zddezzzzzz VideoGame 4 1 SolidSnakeMGS00 Metal Gear Solid Theme edc---deae-d----z 3 1 SoIidSnake Metroid Item Theme CageczDBgdefefe VideoGame PsychoFerret Metroid item Find cfGABGdGCAfde--z VideoGame 4.5 1 Dudeman734 Metroid Save Room Theme g-c-b-g-a----z VideoGame 4.75 majinthemighty87 Metroid Weapon Found Theme gabcebabGdbga--- VideoGame 3 1 Avatar Z M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E eeezeeezGefdfzzz T.V. 2 1+ Wraith10 Minority-Chorus (Green Day) E-DCCzCCD-E-C--z Rock 4 Zoonie Mission Impossible CAe---c-d-zzzzzz Movie 3 1+ Hedgehog14 Mission Impossible dZdZfGdZdZdccdZd Movie 4 1+ bjackm MomentLikeThis(KellyClarkson)ccffGAG-ccAG-ff- doughboyee Morning Has Broken gacf--G--edcdedc Pop 4 1+ Cromis Moshimo (Sakura Taisen 2) ede-c-dgg--zzzzz VideoGame 5 1 Mother (Pink Floyd) DDDDzbczbg--zzz Rock 4 2+ anonymous Mother 1st Melody bzdzezAazaz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 2nd Melody azAazezdzbz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 3rd Melody -bzdzezAzbz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 4th Melody Aazfzdzezcz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 5th Melody -czezdzgzEz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 7th Melody -azgzAzfzEz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 8th Melody -GzBzfzazgz----- VideoGame Cfree Movin' Right Along CDCDC-AGeAGA-G- 5 1 Vespa MST3K theme aaa-a-aa-b-azzzz T.V. * The Crow MST3K theme AAA-A-AA-B-Azzzz T.V. * The Crow Muppet Show Theme CCABABG-zCCABAG- T.V. * Toz Muppets CCABABG-CCABAG-- T.V. belbie My Axe (ICP) b--e--xxb--e--xx 5 1 Stoud My Own Prison (Creed) b--b--b-cdefdbg Rock 3 1 Thalandor MyFriendsOverYou(NewFoundGlory) GfGAGffGffGAGfGf ? 2 1 TkidsterJ NameRegister(BubbleSymphony)g-fefg-ccfedef-- VideoGame 3 1 NayamashiMambo(SakuraTaisen)C-g-zCBCB-A--zzz Show Tune 5 1 Neon Genesis Evangelion fABAABBBEDCBCCC lewiscode NeverGonnaComeBackDown (BT) Dfa-afffG-G---zz Knives New Wave (Pressure 4-5) d-baxbd-ba-gbccx 2 1 Stoud NightmareBeforeChristmas-SallysSong d-f-G-A-d-f-d-e- Movie 4 Odin Night On Bald Mountain F--E--D-E-F-g-aC Classical GuardianBooJoh Norfair music E-C-A-G-A-G-E-G- LordCrackie O Christmas Tree G-CzCC-D-EzEE-zz Holiday 5 1+ JoeFaust O Christmas Tree g-czcc-d-ezee-zz Holiday 5 1+ JoeFaust O Come All Ye Faithful f-f---c-f-G---c- Holiday 5 1+ Cromis Ode to Joy bbcddcbaggabbaa- Classical 5 1+ Cromis Ode to Joy BBCDDCBAGGABBAA- Classical 5 1+ Cromis Ode To Joy ddeffedcbbcdd-cc 2 1+ NightHammer Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Song dcbddddd-dceeee- T.V. 2 1+ KirbyofPopstar Our House (Talking Heads) B-AzzABCEABGzB-A Rock 4.5 1 Vespa Pachabel's Kanon C-E-G-F-E-C-E-D- Classical Freq Man Paranoid Android (Radiohead)a-aacg-a-a-ac-d- iamjackspost Party Hard (Andrew W.K.) gggggzddccczbbbz Rock 4 1 conkergregg PeanutButterJelly(BuckWheatBoyz)DDDBDED--zzzzzzz 3 1 POKET Peanuts theme c-dezedcd--c---z T.V. 3.5 2+ EvilLemmy Peanuts theme cdezedczdc--zz T.V. chcherrycola Photograph (Def Leopard) fffeezzzff-d--zz Rock 4 1 Thalandor Pieces (Pressure 4-5) DBdBd-DBdBd-ED-x 2 1 Stoud Pink Panther Theme Song GAzBCzGA-BCFE-CA Movie Pirate'sLife4Me,YoHoYoHoA...e-G-A-G-feeddc-Z Disney 3 1+ doughboyee Play with Me (ICP) cGGGGeeeeffffccc Stoud PlayThatFunkyMusicWhiteBoy GAAGA-e-dczzzzzz Pop 3 1+ Stoud PointsOfAuthority(chorus)(Linkin Park) BBAAGGeA--xxxxxx Pop 3 1 Stoud PointsOfAuthority(Intro.1)(Linkin Park) deexxexdxfeexxxx Pop Stoud PointsOfAuthority(Intro.2)(Linkin Park) ed--cb--gbcbxxxx Pop Stoud Pokémon Bicycle Song G-E-F-G-C-B--A-- VideoGame Quirky Pokemon Trainer Battle GdGffGAEAGGAdddd VideoGame * Animelee Pretty Woman eedc-eedce-dedc- Movie 2 1+ belbie Pretty Woman eedc-zzzeedc-zez Movie 3 1+ Cromis Protoman's Theme (Megaman3) DfG-fA-DfA-G-fCD VideoGame Knives Psycho Soldier BAgf-eg-e--d-ee- VideoGame 4 1 Punch Out beginning fight abcb-cd-cded-e-G VideoGame belbie Raider'sOfTheLostArcMarch e-fGC---d-ef---- Movie 4 1+ bjackm Ranma 1/2 song (Yappa Pa) eGG-eGG-ABAGG-- 4 1 EinTheDoggyDog Real Blue Folk-(Yoko Kanno) acF-A-G-GF-dF 3 1 Vespa ReBoot Theme C-c-f-A-C-BAGD-- T.V 3 1 Avatar Z Resident Evil 2-Saferoom a-e-A-e-f-d-d--- VideoGame Knives RideOfTheValkyries(Wagner/ApocalypseNow)gCbCECEDEGEzzz truerock Robitussin (MC Chris) BABexCBCAxAGADxG Stoud Robotech Theme cgg-ggfag-cgg-gg RockinTheSuburbs(Ben Folds) cedcdc-ccd-edc-c Rock 2 1 Secef RockyHorrorPictureShow-FrankenstienPlace F-FFe-F-e-d-cdec Movie 3.8 1 Vespa RockyHorrorPictureShow-TimeWarp cac-g-ddddF-c-zz Movie 3.5 1 Vespa Rocky Theme Song EG-A---zAB-E---z Movie Romeo and Juliet A-ACBe-eGA-AGFG bjackm Rubber Ducky ede-G-F-CB---ZZZ T.V. 1 1+ bjackm RudolphTheRed-NosedReindeer de-db-G-e-d---zz Holiday 5 1+ JoeFaust Rugrats Theme cdefGA-G-efedzc- T.V. cooljay108 Russian Easter Overture ad--ad-dddef-d-- FIMBA798 Sailor Moon bccC-CB-BA-G-B-z T.V. 3 2 Philly-Madison SailorMoonTheme(JapaneseVersion)adfA-AG-Gffe-Gzz T.V. 4 1 ThePhantasm SailorMoonTheme(musicboxversion)adfAadAG afae-Gzz Movie Candy Sakura (Sakura Taisen) E-DCDEAg-zzzzzzz VideoGame 5 1 Say it aint So (Weezer) Gfff-Gfce-xxxxxx Rock 3 1 Stoud Schala GGddffddGGddAAff JarrodE/bjackm Schindler's List Theme b-BfBfCBGbGaGAB- Hedgehog14 Schism (Tool) ddCDdfdeddCDdfeg Rock roccobladr Scooby-Doo Theme EEDDC-DFa-ZabgEE T.V. PsychoFerret Scooby Doo Theme EEDDC--df-a--zzz T.V. sswope11 ScreamingInfidelities(DashboardConfessionals)d-c---dzd-e-c--zPop 4 1 Thalandor Seaside Waves ABCABCCBACBAGABz Cfree Secret of Mana opening e-a-g-c-d-de-a-- Ziridar Sell Out (Reel Big Fish) CfzEzzAGfA-cfzE Punk * Remer88 Sesame Street C--A-f-fGAZC-A-f T.V. 3 1+ bjackm Shine (Collective Soul) dezze-zd-cc-c-zz Rock 5 1 Thalandor Sienfeld DCBGfdcbggbdfbcc T.V. belbie Silent Night G--AG-e----zzzzz Holiday 4 1+ Cromis Silent Night (too fast) G--AG-e-G--AG-e- Holiday 2 1+ Cromis Simon's Quest-Bloody Tears) d-AG-dcd-A-Gzzz iamjackspost Simpsons f--A-B-DC--A-f-d T.V. * CapnScurvy Simpsons fAZBDCAZfcbbbc T.V. JarrodE/bjackm Simpsons Theme F-AzBDC-AzFcbbbc T.V. DiabloKlungo Sk8er Boi (Avril Lavigne) GGGf-zffGDzzzzzz Pop 4 1 CowsWillMooMe2 Sk8erBoichorus(AvrilLavigne) AAABAfzAAAABAfzz Pop 5 1 CowsWillMooMe2 Slave Laura (Samantha 7) g--axc--xgggac-- Stoud Slicebeats (Apartment26) d-Ad-Adcd-edxfff Stoud SmellingLikeARose(StoneTemplePilots) dxf--xcddcfcdcdc Rock Stoud SmellsLikeTeenSpirit(Nirvana) FFF--BB--AAA--DD Rock? * ChMooKie SmokeOnTheWater(DeepPurple) g-a-b-zg-a-Cbzzz Rock 4 1 ActivKino Somewhere in Time cdeB--C-B--G-d-e Movie 3 1+ Cromis Somewhere over the Rainbow g--c--b-gab-czzz Movie nateworld04 Somewhere Over the Rainbow c---C---B-G-ABC- Movie 4 BigBri02 Song that Never Ends, The gabc-b-a-c-b---z T.V. 4 2+ Dark_Omen Song that Never Ends, The GABC-B-A-C-B---z T.V. 5 1+ Dark_Omen Space Oddity (David Bowie) cc--c-df--ed--cb Rock 5 1 Secef Space Quest Theme d-dG--A--B--EDCD Movie * CapnScurvy Sponge Bob Theme CCDCAfACDCA-zzzz T.V. * Stoud SpongeBob-KrustyKrabPizza gccc-dezzc-c-dez T.V. * Stoud SpongeBob-LivingInTheSunlight gabcAzGzgabcAzGz T.V. * Stoud SSBM-Fox's Victory cfcz-cfc-Cgg-eEg VideoGame Cfree SSBM-Marth's Victory g-gceG-fea-bcdG- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog SSBM-Onett ecef-f-fgdfe--ZZ VideoGame Socrates3 SSBM-Whispy Woods gacccdeedcbbbcb- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog SSBM-Whispy Woods beginning EZCZCBAZABCAGAE- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog Star Trek g-cf---e cadG--zz T.V. 4 1+ Candy Star Wars Theme gggc--G--fedC--G Movie 4 1 GreenLatrine Star Wars Theme g--c---fedC--G-- Movie 4.5 Star Wars-Darth Vader Theme A-A-A-fCA-fCAzz Movie 4 1 orochi527 Star Wars-Darth Vader Theme a-a-a-gca-gca-zz Movie 4.5 1 raven1823 Star Wars-Death Star Attack dd-bdd-bff-efedb Movie bjackm Star Wars-Duel Of Fates efG-A-b-A-Gfezzz Movie * DrkKrwlR Star Wars-Imperial March dZdZdZbfdZbfdZZZ Movie 2 1+ bjackm Star Wars-Imperial March e-ze-ze-zczGe-Z Movie 3 1+ K K the Dog Star Wars-Imperial March A-A-A-fCA-fCA-- Movie 5 3 Star Wars-misc dga-D-b-D-agdzzz Movie LordCrackie Star Wars-Tie Fighter Attackdd-bdd-bff-eedb- Movie bjackm Stare (Pressure 4-5) e--e-d-g--agxG-- 2 1 Stoud Starfox (original) credits CgCED---CgCEFD-- Hedgehog14 StaringAtTheSun (Offspring) GAGfdcd-f-A-fGzz Rock ParticleJT Starmine (Ryu) BEATMANIA E-E-D-DE-E-EDCBA VideoGame PenanceArkana Star-spangled Banner Gec-e-G-C--EDC-z Trad'nal 5 1+ anonymous Starting (bump and jump) g-------G------- VideoGames * * Mallow Stuck in America(Sugarcult) gagGee--gagGee-- Stoud Subway - Clay Henry Song ceG-Gec--ac-eczz T.V. 4 1 greatn SumireChaChaCha(SakuraTaisen)g-A-g--efe-dc--z ShowTune 4 1 Summer Nights (Grease) d-zdG-zGA--AGA-z Movie 5 1 ChickenSoda Super James Bros. GG-G-EG-E--e---- Original Mallow Super Metroid (Brinstar) CAfAfDCDCAfAfACE VideoGame MewtwoSSBM Superfly a--G-A--a-G-A-zz Rock * Stoud Superman d--dgdd----zBzAA Movie 5 1 greatn Superman (Movie) Theme G-GCGG--C-G-C--z Movie * JoeFaust Super Mario Bros. Caves bBgGaAZZZZbBgGaA VideoGame LockeTH462 Super Mario Bros. Lose Life d-d-ccddbbzz---- VideoGame Cfree SuperMario Bros2(level 1-1) GceG-ceGbeBA--zz VideoGame 4 1 greatn SuperMario Brothers Theme CzzGzzEzzAzBzAG- VideoGame * Stoud Super Mario Bros. Theme C-zG-zE-zAzBzAG- VideoGame 3 1 Gryn SuperMario RPG, Valentina DCDAfEDfBGBfEDbz VideoGame LordCrackie SuperMarioKart-GhostValley gaCD---G---F--aa VideoGame LordCrackie SuperMarioRPGFrogPondThing1 GAEDCDCDECGCDABC VideoGame Bump SuperMarioRPGFrogPondThing2 ABCDGCDE VideoGame Bump SuperMarioSunshine-DelfinoPlazaTheme DEEGF-D-DEEGF-D Videogame 4 Pokemario SuperMarioWorldSNES-DinosaurLand e-cgaccagccGe-d- VideoGame 3.5 1 LanceB Surfin' (chorus) (Weezer) e-fGdcbxe-fGd-xx Rock Stoud Surfin' (opening) (Weezer) fDCfeDCedeGgxxxx Rock Stoud Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics) ggbbaagzgazagazz Pop * LegacyX4 Sweetness (Jimmy Eat World) ffG-A-f-zA-G-f-e Rock 4 1 Thalandor TacticsOgre-K.o.L.BattleVictory a-ebc-GeG---A--- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog Tetris e-bcd-cba--zzzzz VideoGame GuardianBooJoh The Austin Powers theme ACCAAzgzACCAAzgz Movie Esam028 The Middle (Jimmy Eat World)AA-fzfzzf-fe-AAA Rock 4 1 Thalandor The Remedy-Chorus B-G-E-G-EDDE--zz Rock 3 Zoonie The Wall (Pink Floyd) cd-e-d-cd-e-c-zz 3 1 Vespa There Is (Boxcar Racer) ccGcc-ccfed-bc-z Rock DM24 These Hands (Pressure 4-5) fffeeeGGGAAc-c-x Stoud ThousandMiles(VanessaCarlton)cCcCBcBG-cGce-dc Pop doughboyee Three Stooges gabazbgzzCzzzzzz T.V. 4 1 Ti__y Twister (Diesel Boy) edggddAAbbggddb Rock * Remer88 Time of your life (Greenday)EEfGfEEfEDCD Rock 1 1 tiggerthehun TimeForUs,A(RomeoandJuliet) ACBe--eGeA--AgfG Hedgehog14 Tiny Toon Adventures cbdzdedzdbdGdedz T.V. 4 1 KooperKoushiro Tiny Toons fef-fgf-fefBfgf- VideoGame 2 1 belbie Top Gun theme g-G-G-FeFed-d--- Movie 5 1+ AzNxDawG Top Man(Mega Man 3) cbad--cbad--decb VideoGame 3 1 greatn Toy Symphony (Joseph Haydn) c-edc-gfe-aggfe- Classical anonymous Transformers Theme dxef-dxefxabxxxx Stoud Transformers theme song d-ef--d-ef-ac--z T.V. 5 1 anonymous Transformers-DeathOfOptimusPrime a--d--e--f--e--- Stoud Tropical Song BGC-CBG-GCB-BCG- Cfree Tsubasa (Sakura Taisen) cde-g-C--CCBABAg Show Tune 3 1 TubularBells/Exorcist(Oldfield)AEBEGAECEDEBCEBE Movie 4 1 TommyK. Turrican aeA-aeA-A-Ag--zz VideoGame Turrican II B-e-E-e-D-AB-e-z VideoGame 4 1 Turrican III B-Be-e-E-eDdBbAe VideoGame 4 1 Turrican III (alternate) B-B-e-e-E-EDDBBAA VideoGame 4 1 Turrican III-Bionic Action B-B-C-CB-ABA--zz VideoGame 4 1 Turrican III-TheDesertRocks C-B-zA-AAzA-B-zz VideoGame 4 1 Twilight Zone Theme fGfdfGfdfGfdfGfd T.V. 4 MethRattle Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ccGGAAG-ffeeddc- Trad'nal 4 1 kaprichosa Under the Sea EGCE-E-Gd-f-e-c bjackm Urban Trail (Night Striker) gAfec-dzzzzzzz VideoGame 3 1 UtenaEnding(RevolutionaryGirlUtena) ABCAABA-ABCAABA- 5 1 Vespa VideoKilledTheRadioStar(Buggles) BDD-D-DD-EC-C--- Rock 4 MethRattle Wabash Cannonball DDB-D-g-agb-d-d- Trad'nal 5 1 Forkbomb Wallace and Gromit Theme B-AGB-AGBE-- T.V. War (W.I.I.G.F?) bbbZZddZeZZdedeb Pop EinTheDoggyDog WelcomeChristmas(TheGrinch...)GeAGGeABCBGAGdz Movie 4.5 1 anonymous WerewolvesOfLondon(WarrenZaven)aG-GF-FFdF-aG-GF Rock 4 1 Vespa WestministerChimes(WilliamCrotch)c-e-d-g-g-d-e-c- Trad'l AnimePimp Wheel Of Fortune theme ezdezdefezdezdef T.V. * Stoud WhyDon'tYouGetAJob?(Offspring)AA-GfGAGfGf-f-zz Rock DM24 Wildwood Flower E-F-g---gac-DE-- Trad'nal 4 1 Forkbomb Willy Wonka Theme acG-acG-acBCBCBG Movie 4 CatBond Wily Fortress boss BABCeABCBABCeABC VideoGame 3 1 greatn Wily's fortress aedfeAGe-A-f-G-E VideoGame 2 1 greatn Wish You Were Here(P.Floyd) f-c--zfefecd-g-- Rock 5 1 graedus With You (Linkin Park) bB-A-eeGd--bB-Ax Pop 4 2 Stoud Witch Doctor-Chorus EzCzACCzCzCzGGAG Movie 4 Zoonie Without Me(Ending)(Eminem) fDACAzGfACA-GFGF Rap 3 1 anonymous Xenogears Song GGGGfedcdfedc- JarrodE/bjackm X-files ? aedeGe---CBAGAe- T.V. 1 1+ Cromis Yankee Doodle ffGAfAGzffGAf-e- Trad'nal 5 1+ JoeFaust Yoshi's Island ending B-zG-zGGGBBECA-- VideoGame LordCrackie Yoshi's Island map theme bcdzGzeGBzCBCBdg VideoGame bjackm Yoshi's Story Treasure Hunt ccccC-cczA-cd--z VideoGame 5 1 Washuu108 Yoshi'sIsland-SuperMarioWorld2 EzDEDzBzCzBCBzGz VideoGame Cfree You really got me 1 (Kinks) D-D-F-G-E-D-C-D Rock bjackm You really got me 2 (Kinks) D-F-G-A-G-F-D-G-F-C-D Rock bjackm YumeNoTsuduki(SakuraTaisen2)bcd--edbdgA---B- VideoGame4.5 Yu Yu Hakusho (Opening) cdfzfzf-cdfzfzg- Anime 3 Zoonie Zelda "unlock" music AGecadGCzzzzzzzz VideoGame 2 1+ EinTheDoggyDog Zelda Fanfare G-d--GGABCDZZZZZ VideoGame 3 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda Oath To Order A-f-d-f-A-D--zzz VideoGame 5 1+ GreenLatrine Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire f-d-f-d-A-f-A-f- VideoGame 2 1+ Knives Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire fdfdafafGeGeBGBG VideoGame 3 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire fdfdAfAf--zzzzz VideoGame 4 1+ GreenLatrine Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire GEGEBGBGAfAfCACA VideoGame 4 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire fdfdAfAfGeGeBGBG VideoGame 4 1+ Cromis Zelda OOT-Epona's Song CAG-CAG-CAG-A-G- VideoGame 4 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Epona's Song DBA--DBA--DBABA- VideoGame 3 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Epona's Song DBA-DBA-DBABAzzz VideoGame 3 1+ Kindori Zelda OOT-Epona's Song EDC-EDC-EDC-D-C- VideoGame 1 1+ tplay Zelda OOT-Goron Lullaby d-A-B-d-A-B-A-d- VideoGame 2 1+ GreenLatrine Zelda OOT-LonLonRanch DBA---DBA---DBA- VideoGame 4 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT Lullaby A--C--GfGA--CD VideoGame 2 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT Lullaby b-D-A-G-ab-D-A-GA VideoGame 3 1+ Knives Zelda OOT-Epona's Song DBA-DBA-DBA-B-A- VideoGame FIMBA798 Zelda OOT-Requiem of Spirit a--c-a-e--c--a-- VideoGame 5 1 Zelda OOT-Requiem Of Spirit d-e-d-G-e-d-G--z VideoGame * Kindori Zelda OOT-Requiem Of Spirit d-fdA-f-d--zzzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda OOT-Temple of Time Ad-fAd-fACB-G--- VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Temple Song -CgCGAC-- VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Zelda's Lullaby bda-bda-bdAGDcb- VideoGame * Spinarakboi Zelda OOT-Zelda's Lullaby b-D-A-G-ab-D-A-GA VideoGame Knives Zelda Theme A-d--AABBCD--zzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-Eligy Of Emptiness A--BAfADB--zzzzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-LA-BalladOfTheWindFish ABC-ABC-CBAEG-A- VideoGame 5 1 bjackm Zelda-LA-BalladOfTheWindFish abc-Zabc-cbag-a- VideoGame 4.5 1 TellahC ZeldaLinkToPast-LostWoods AAA-AAAzBBB-BABz VideoGame 3 1 Avatar Z Zelda-Minuet Of Forest dDB----ABA--- VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda-Minuet Of Forest dDB---ABA--- VideoGame JarrodE Zelda-Minuet Of Forest dDb--ABA--zzzzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-New Wave Bossanova B---DBA---fBA--- VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-Nocturne Of Shadow B-A-AdBAf--zzzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-Saria's Song fABfABEDCBAgeZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda-Saria's Song fABfABfABEDBC VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda-Saria's Song fAB-fAB-fABED-CB VideoGame 5 1 TotalChaos02 Zelda-Saria's Song fAB-fAB-fABED-ZZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda-Saria's Song GBC-GBC-zzzzzzzz VideoGame * Kindori Zelda-Saria's Song (no pauses)fABfABfABEDBCBGE VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda-Serenade Of Water d-f-A-A-B--zzzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-Sheik's Theme CGa-G-ecd---ZZZZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda-Sonata Of Awakening DBDB--d-A---D--- VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-Song Of Storms acA-acA-B-CBCBGe VideoGame 5 1 Yogo540 Zelda-Song of Storms dfD-dfD-e-fefeca VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda-Song of Storms dfD-dfD-FGFEFED VideoGame lone malika Zelda-Song of Time adfadfacbgfgadced VideoGame Zelda-WW-WindGod'sAria ggg-ce-dc-bc-ab- VideoGame Blu Pez ZephyrSong,The(RedHotChiliPeppers)-ef-G--f-ef--zz Rock 4 1 Secef Zero's Theme aaAzGfecaaAzG--- VideoGame 2 1 greatn Zip-a-dee-doo-dah eZefG-C--A-AfG-- 4 1+ bjackm
* or no entry in the "Accuracy" column means the song is untested by me in game (probably obtained from a post or transcribed from sheet music), not necessarily received in my "standard format," and may be more likely to have errors than "rated" songs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PARTIAL LIST: Songs sorted By Category (As the number of songs approached 500, I got tired of sorting by category, so this list "only" contains around the first 480 songs submitted. For the full list, see above.)
Title (Artist/Info) |Tune |Category |Accur|#Review| Credit | | |-acy | -ers/ | | | | / 3 Libras (A Perfect Circle) c-abczc-abcze-cd 3 1 30Seconds2Mars-TheMission GfGAGfeGGfGAGfee Stoud A Lost Sense acacgcbeEebcgcga Cfree Angelo's Expulsion dga---agaaggg--- Mallow Another Fateful Night eeddccczeeddczzz ? * Wraith10 Zelda-LA-BalladOfTheWindFish ABC-ABC-CBAEG-A- bjackm Biggus Inc. (Self Composed) gabcze-d-gabczbc Vespa BLEEPed up Kid (Mest) edccedcggedcgbcc Stoud BobTheBuilder(Opening) f--dczazf--dczAz Cartoon 3 Zoonie Bonnie Bradley (Samantha 7) abcaeacaexacgegd Stoud BoomBoomDollar(DandeDanceRevolution)CBGC-BzCBGBBCzzz 4 1 Vespa Bruised(Technochorus)(Apartment26) deEdeEdedeEedeff Stoud Bryan's Expulsion E-----EGEdcdE---A Mallow Butterfly(DandeDanceRevolution)GAGAC-GBDEDCAzzz 3.5 1 Vespa Cadillac (Mest) cbcc--xxcccbcc-- 2 1 Stoud CaptainJack(DandeDanceRevolution)edededc-ededeGG 3.5 1 Vespa Chrono adefa--ec-- JarrodE/bjackm CKY-96 Quite Bitter Beings eGBb-eGBCBebexce Stoud Clerks Theme (first half) abb-bbb-babdxxxx Stoud Computing ACa-CEd-aGe-GBga Cfree Cruel Angel's Thesis (EvaOP)e-G-A-GA AADCBABz 4 1 Candy Daria A-f-BzzAzzf--- 3 1 greatn DarkLichBattle-SecretOfMana ccaaccddccaaggaa 5 1 Vespa Dead Body Man (ICP) exexBAGxcexxxxxx Stoud Dehydration (Pressure 4-5) dedcdcbcdcgxxG-- 2 1 Stoud DependOnYou(AyumiHamasaki) GDBA-AG-G--AGF-- ? * SmellyCat67 Di Gi Charat Theme cde-de-g-b-- DoingItAnyway(Apartment26) ddddfdxxdddcd-A- Stoud Dragonfly (DandeDanceRevolution)BBCDE-DCG-BDE-zz 3 1 Vespa Earthbound-Sound Stone dGAB-BDA-ABGZZZ bjackm El Lay (NOFX) AAfffCCGGGzzzzzz ? * Remer88 Electric Baby (Mest) GG--ee--edeced-- Stoud End of the Day feBedzGgbzbzacfg Cfree Enough (Pressure 4-5) Gcg-G--f--e--Gcg Stoud Eye Of The Tiger eZedeZedeZebc--- 2 1 belbie Eyes on Me gc-d-e-Ge-decacd EinTheDoggyDog Fly Me to the Moon C-BA-G-f --GA-C-z Candy Funkytown(Lipps Inc) GGfGzdzdfCBGzzzz 4 1 ArcHammer2 Fuyu no Ballad(FieldofView) f-B-GGfeddc-ba-z 4 1 Lycian Galaga Stage Start e-cd-fe-cd-AG-cd Mr. Wizard Gangplank Galleon fedcdefedefaf- JarrodE/bjackm Good Eats GAEDCBCAAzzzzz Damianogre HateEveryBeautifulDay(Sugarcult) bAG-bAG-bAG-bede Stoud HeartOfSwords(RurourniKenshin)FAecc-cdFGedc- 4 1 Vespa Hollywood and Vine (Samantha 7) eeeee-eeffec-gff Stoud Home From Home(Millencolin) ggggggddggggggdd ? * Remer88 I was Framed (Samantha 7) fff-xddAfedxfff- Stoud I'm just a kid (Simple Plan)ccdc--c-baged-- David Asgarian In The End d-A-A-f-e-e-e-ef K K the Dog I'veGotALovelyBunchOfCoconuts G-AB-AG-f-e-d-c- ? * CapnScurvy I'veGotALovelyBunchOfCoconuts G-G-ABBAG-fzff-z ? * The Crow Japanese School Bell B-G-A-d-d-A-B-G- meleequeen July 1st(Ayumi Hamasaki) B-G-d-f-f--G-G--- ? * SmellyCat67 JungleWaItsu-moHaleNochiGuu-Love...(SisterMAYO)B-AGBBAGC-AGCzzz 5 1 Lycian Keep You (Apartment26) c-dd-dedc-dd-ded Stoud Key to Gramercy Park(Deadsy)edbabdba---zzzzz KillTheBLEEPPlayer(ClerksSoundtrack) eexeeexeeeCCBBAA Stoud Kiss From a Rose (Seal) g--d-fedcfec-- Low Rider eeeeeefzGzzzcefec 3 1 greatn ManhaDeCarnaval(Stan Getz) a--f--edd--cea-- MomentLikeThis(KellyClarkson)ccffGAG-ccAG-ff- doughboyee Movin' Right Along CDCDC-AGeAGA-G- 5 1 Vespa My Axe (ICP) b--e--xxb--e--xx 5 1 Stoud MyFriendsOverYou(NewFoundGlory) GfGAGffGffGAGfGf ? 2 1 TkidsterJ Neon Genesis Evangelion fABAABBBEDCBCCC lewiscode NeverGonnaComeBackDown (BT) Dfa-afffG-G---zz Knives New Wave (Pressure 4-5) d-baxbd-ba-gbccx 2 1 Stoud Norfair music E-C-A-G-A-G-E-G- LordCrackie Paranoid Android (Radiohead)a-aacg-a-a-ac-d- iamjackspost PeanutButterJelly(BuckWheatBoyz)DDDBDED--zzzzzzz 3 1 POKET Pieces (Pressure 4-5) DBdBd-DBdBd-ED-x 2 1 Stoud Play with Me (ICP) cGGGGeeeeffffccc Stoud Ranma 1/2 song (Yappa Pa) eGG-eGG-ABAGG-- 4 1 EinTheDoggyDog Real Blue Folk-(Yoko Kanno) acF-A-G-GF-dF 3 1 Vespa RideOfTheValkyries(Wagner/ApocalypseNow)gCbCECEDEGEzzz truerock Robitussin (MC Chris) BABexCBCAxAGADxG Stoud Robotech Theme cgg-ggfag-cgg-gg Romeo and Juliet A-ACBe-eGA-AGFG bjackm Russian Easter Overture ad--ad-dddef-d-- FIMBA798 Schala GGddffddGGddAAff JarrodE/bjackm Seaside Waves ABCABCCBACBAGABz Cfree Secret of Mana opening e-a-g-c-d-de-a-- Ziridar Slave Laura (Samantha 7) g--axc--xgggac-- Stoud Slicebeats (Apartment26) d-Ad-Adcd-edxfff Stoud Stare (Pressure 4-5) e--e-d-g--agxG-- 2 1 Stoud Stuck in America (Sugarcult) gagGee--gagGee-- Stoud The Wall (Pink Floyd) cd-e-d-cd-e-c-zz 3 1 Vespa These Hands (Pressure 4-5) fffeeeGGGAAc-c-x Stoud TimeForUs,A(RomeoandJuliet) ACBe--eGeA--AgfG Hedgehog14 Tropical Song BGC-CBG-GCB-BCG- Cfree Under the Sea EGCE-E-Gd-f-e-c bjackm UtenaEnding(RevolutionaryGirlUtena) ABCAABA-ABCAABA- 5 1 Vespa WhenJorgeGorordoSendsPatrickToHell!dgfazdgfa----zzz Original Mallow Xenogears Song GGGGfedcdfedc- JarrodE/bjackm GundamWing-JustCommunication f-G-A--GAG-Ae--z Anime 4 1 Secef Hamtaro (End Theme) AzGzfzezdzzdefGz Anime 2 Zoonie Love Hina BBBBDGBdGbddcbcz Anime 5 2 Bman Yu Yu Hakusho (Opening) cdfzfzf-cdfzfzg- Anime 3 Zoonie BobTheBuilder(Opening) f--dczazf--dczAz Cartoon 3 Zoonie Digimon Theme dfe-dfe-dfefGG-- Cartoon Briankun Fairly Odd Parents-Ending A-feddefe-zzf--z Cartoon 2 Zoonie Invader Zim theme dzdzdddbdddbdfzz Cartoon 4 2 CodeHunter64 1812 Overture cfGAGfGA-f-f--zz Classical 5 2+ tadakatsu Beethoven's 5th Symphony fffd---zeeec---z Classical 3 1 Avatar Z FurElise(LudwigVanBeethoven)EDEDEBDCA--ceAB- Classical anonymous JesuJoyOfMan'sDesiring(Bach) cdeGffAGGCBCGecz Classical 4 1 Harle Night On Bald Mountain F--E--D-E-F-g-aC Classical GuardianBooJoh Ode to Joy bbcddcbaggabbaa- Classical 5 1+ Cromis Ode to Joy BBCDDCBAGGABBAA- Classical 5 1+ Cromis Ode To Joy ddeffedcbbcdd-cc Classical 2 1+ NightHammer Pachabel's Kanon C-E-G-F-E-C-E-D- Classical Freq Man Toy Symphony (Joseph Haydn) c-edc-gfe-aggfe- Classical anonymous Alabama fight song E-CGAG--AD-AD-- College 3 1 greatn Auburn fight song G--zE-D-CC-AG-- College 4 1 greatn Pirate'sLife4Me,YoHoYoHoA...e-G-A-G-feeddc-Z Disney 3 1+ doughboyee 19-2000 (New Gorillaz) g-bdb-G-D---zzzz ElectDance 4 1 GorillazFan87 Auld Lang Syne g-c--ce-ed--cd- Holiday 4 1 Greer Auld Lang Syne g-c--cc-e-d--cd- Holiday Crawreb Auld Lang Syne gcccedcdecceGA-- Holiday 4 1+ Cromis ChestnutsRoastingOpenFire c-C--BA-GFEEE--- Holiday * Stoud Deck the Halls G-fe-d-c-d-e-c-z Holiday 5 1+ Cromis Dradel Song dbdbdb-bddcba--- Holiday 4 1 Sean&JET5041 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen EEbbagfEDEfgab-z Holiday 1 2+ GuardianBooJoh God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen eebbagfedefgab-z Holiday * Peanut Drizzle Good King Wenceslas fffGffc-dcdef-f- Holiday 5 1+ Cromis HaveYourselfAMerryLittleChristmas g-b-d-f-Gfedc-b- Holiday 3 1+ Cromis JingleBellRock(BobbyHelms) CCC-BBB-ABAe--zz Holiday 3 Nekojin Jingle Bells Chorus eee-eee-eGc-dE-- Holiday 4 1+ JoeFaust Jingle Bells Intro GEDCG--GGEDCA--z Holiday 4 1+ JoeFaust Jingle Bells Intro gedcg--ggedca--z Holiday 4 1+ JoeFaust Jolly Old St. Nicholas EEEEDDD-CCCCE--- Holiday B_Campbell O Christmas Tree G-CzCC-D-EzEE-zz Holiday 5 1+ JoeFaust O Christmas Tree g-czcc-d-ezee-zz Holiday 5 1+ JoeFaust O Come All Ye Faithful f-f---c-f-G---c- Holiday 5 1+ Cromis RudolphTheRed-NosedReindeer de-db-G-e-d---zz Holiday 5 1+ JoeFaust Silent Night (too fast) G--AG-e-G--AG-e- Holiday 2 1+ Cromis Silent Night G--AG-e----zzzzz Holiday 4 1+ Cromis Danny Boy acde--de-AG-edca Lullaby 4 Hail and Kill (Manowar) fe--fa--fe--f--z Metal 5 1 ChickenSoda Back to the Future theme CzFzB-CDCAFB-zzz Movie 3 1 Rufio23 Back to the Future Theme C--F--B---CDCAFB Movie 4 Phoojoeniam Be Our Guest eGC-eGB-eGAGEcG- Movie 1 1+ Dune Tiger Close Encounters 3rd Kind D-zE-zC-zc-zG-z Movie 4 1+ JoeFaust Close Encounters 3rd Kind A--B--G--g--d--x Movie Dances With Wolves Theme F--CFa-F-F--gFC- Movie GuardianBooJoh Dare(StanBush/Transformers) BxxGABC-B-Axdd-- Movie Stoud DragonHeart Theme E--DF-E-E--DF-E- Movie GuardianBooJoh Edelweiss(RodgersHammerstein) e-GD--C--Gf---zzz Movie 3 2 Greer Edelweiss(RodgersHammerstein) e--GD---C--Gf--- Movie * Peanut Drizzle ET (improved) c---G---Zfedecg- Movie ZombieBite ET Theme c---G---fedec---g--- Movie Hedgehog14 ET Theme G-D-CBABG-D---ZZ Movie doughboyee ForWhomTheBellTolls(Metallica)CBAG--fedcb--zz Movie 4 Whomp&Q-Bird Ghostbusters GGbGafZZGGGGfGZZ Movie 1 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Godfather Theme eACBACABAfGe--zz Movie 4 1 GreenLatrine Godzilla Battle Song cba-cba-cbagabcb Movie * CapnScurvy Goldfinger - King for a Day CB-A-G--C-BA-fAG Movie * Secef Goonies Theme(endofchorus) eGGGGGAxxeCBAGA- Movie Stoud Harry Potter - Fawkes Theme c-d-feg-c-C-g-e- Movie Foerlytheon Harry Potter Theme ad-fed-AG--e-- Movie bjackm Home Alone Theme GeGeC-G-dAGce-d- Movie Hedgehog14 InstrumentsOfDestruction (NRG/Transformers) eeeGxefxf-d-dfde Movie Stoud James Bond gaZfe---acd---ZZ Movie 2 bjackm Jurassic Park Theme BAB-e-d-BAB-e-d- Movie * LegacyX4 Jurassic Park Theme CBC-G-f-CBC-G-f- Movie Hedgehog14 Jurassic Park, Welcome to zcG-dA-BC-BGA--- Movie Hedgehog14 LotR-Concerning Hobbits cde-G-e-d-c----z Movie 5 1 Chrono007 LotR-Evil Theme CBC-----B-A-e-zz Movie 5 1 Chrono007 LotR-Fellowship Theme G---f---ffG----z Movie 3 1 LotR-Fellowship of the Ring C--BCBA-CB--e--- Movie 4 1 Scott LotR-Hobbit's Theme g-a-b--d---bag-- Movie 4 1 LOTR: Opening B--C--C-B-A-C-B- Movie 4 BlueWingX LotR-Riders of Rohan AAA-C-B--C--D--A Movie 4 1 Chrono007 Mission Impossible CAe---c-d-zzzzzz Movie 3 1+ Hedgehog14 Mission Impossible dZdZfGdZdZdccdZd Movie 4 1+ bjackm NightmareBeforeChristmas-SallysSong d-f-G-A-d-f-d-e- Movie 4 Odin Pink Panther Theme Song GAzBCzGA-BCFE-CA Movie Pretty Woman eedc-eedce-dedc- Movie 2 1+ belbie Pretty Woman eedc-zzzeedc-zez Movie 3 1+ Cromis Raider'sOfTheLostArcMarch e-fGC---d-ef---- Movie 4 1+ bjackm RockyHorrorPictureShow-FrankenstienPlace F-FFe-F-e-d-cdec Movie 3.8 1 Vespa RockyHorrorPictureShow-TimeWarp cac-g-ddddF-c-zz Movie 3.5 1 Vespa Rocky Theme Song EG-A---zAB-E---z Movie SailorMoonTheme(musicboxversion)adfAadAG afae-Gzz Movie Candy Schindler's List Theme b-BfBfCBGbGaGAB- Movie Hedgehog14 Somewhere in Time cdeB--C-B--G-d-e Movie 3 1+ Cromis Somewhere over the Rainbow g--c--b-gab-czzz Movie nateworld04 Somewhere Over the Rainbow c---C---B-G-ABC- Movie 4 BigBri02 Space Quest Theme d-dG--A--B--EDCD Movie * CapnScurvy Star Wars-Darth Vader Theme A-A-A-fCA-fCAzz Movie 4 1 orochi527 Star Wars-Darth Vader Theme a-a-a-gca-gca-zz Movie 4.5 1 raven1823 Star Wars-Death Star Attack dd-bdd-bff-efedb Movie bjackm Star Wars-Duel Of Fates efG-A-b-A-Gfezzz Movie * DrkKrwlR Star Wars-Imperial March dZdZdZbfdZbfdZZZ Movie 2 1+ bjackm Star Wars-Imperial March e-ze-ze-zczGe-Z Movie 3 1+ K K the Dog Star Wars-Imperial March A-A-A-fCA-fCA-- Movie 5 3 Star Wars-misc dga-D-b-D-agdzzz Movie LordCrackie Star Wars-Tie Fighter Attackdd-bdd-bff-eedb- Movie bjackm Star Wars Theme gggc--G--fedC--G Movie 4 1 GreenLatrine Star Wars Theme g--c---fedC--G-- Movie 4.5 Summer Nights (Grease) d-zdG-zGA--AGA-z Movie 5 1 ChickenSoda Superman d--dgdd----zBzAA Movie 5 1 greatn Superman (Movie) Theme G-GCGG--C-G-C--z Movie * JoeFaust The Austin Powers theme ACCAAzgzACCAAzgz Movie Esam028 Top Gun theme g-G-G-FeFed-d--- Movie 5 1+ AzNxDawG TubularBells/Exorcist(Oldfield)AEBEGAECEDEBCEBE Movie 4 1 TommyK. WelcomeChristmas(TheGrinch...)GeAGGeABCBGAGdz Movie 4.5 1 anon Willy Wonka Theme acG-acG-acBCBCBG Movie 4 CatBond Witch Doctor-Chorus EzCzACCzCzCzGGAG Movie 4 Zoonie Don't Cry 4 Me Argentina e-e-e-e-f-G-AG-- Musical 3 1+ Cromis Doreme (Sound Of Music) c--de--ce-c-e--- Musical 5 1+ Cromis Heart and Soul c-c-c--babcd-zz Musical PlatformerMastah All Star-Chorus(SmashMouth) af-fdfz-fdfzfza-z Pop 3 Zoonie Billie Jean(MichaelJackson) CBBA-G-BB-A-G--- Pop * LegacyX4 BreakfastAtTiffanies(DeepBlueSomething)d-f-c-fdc-zeeefd Pop 3.5 1 Thalandor Complicated-Opening(AvrilLavigne) GdzcbcbgGdzcbcbg Pop 4 Zoonie Crawling (Linkin Park) aA-zf-zzze-fe-d- Pop 3.5 2 Thalandor Dueling Banjos ggabcdcbeefGABAf Pop 1 1+ LegacyX4 Dueling Banjos ggbcdcdb-eeGABAG Pop 3 1+ LegacyX4 Dueling Banjos Intro bcd-b-c-a-b-g-a- Pop 5 2+ Forkbomb Hey Leonardo-Chorus(BlessedUnionOfSouls) AAAGA--fDC-AAGAG Pop 3 Zoonie IGetKnockedDown(ChumbaWumba) --ACDE--DEAGEDCA Pop In The End (Linkin Park) a-e-e-c-b-b-b-bc Pop 5 2 Thalandor Linkin Park d-A-A-f-e-e-e-ef Pop * K K The Dog Morning Has Broken gacf--G--edcdedc Pop 4 1+ Cromis PlayThatFunkyMusicWhiteBoy GAAGA-e-dczzzzzz Pop 3 1+ Stoud PointsOfAuthority(chorus)(Linkin Park) BBAAGGeA--xxxxxx Pop 3 1 Stoud PointsOfAuthority(Intro.1)(Linkin Park) deexxexdxfeexxxx Pop Stoud PointsOfAuthority(Intro.2)(Linkin Park) ed--cb--gbcbxxxx Pop Stoud ScreamingInfidelities(DashboardConfessionals)d-c---dzd-e-c--zPop 4 1 Thalandor Sk8er Boi (Avril Lavigne) GGGf-zffGDzzzzzz Pop 4 1 CowsWillMooMe2 Sk8erBoichorus(AvrilLavigne) AAABAfzAAAABAfzz Pop 5 1 CowsWillMooMe2 Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics) ggbbaagzgazagazz Pop * LegacyX4 ThousandMiles(VanessaCarlton)cCcCBcBG-cGce-dc Pop doughboyee War (W.I.I.G.F?) bbbZZddZeZZdedeb Pop EinTheDoggyDog With You (Linkin Park) bB-A-eeGd--bB-Ax Pop 4 2 Stoud AmericanJesus(BadReligion) A-ABC-BCD-CBCBA- Punk 4 1 Beer (Reel Big Fish) bcdaabcgefGbcda Punk * Remer88 Sell Out (Reel Big Fish) CfzEzzAGfA-cfzE Punk * Remer88 Ain'tNuthinButAGThang(DrDre) DCDEDC-BA-GA--zz Rap CockTheHammer(CypressHill) aagacb--aagacb-- Rap 4 1 S Gastelum Without Me(Ending)(Eminem) fDACAzGfACA-GFGF Rap 3 1 anonymous 1979 (Smashing Pumpkins) b-b-bbbc-gg-ggg- Rock * Remer88 1985 (Screeching Weasel) e-ffe-ffe-ffABB- Rock * Remer88 AHorseWithNoName-Chorus(America) ADzDDDzDDCAAA-zz Rock 4 Zoonie Adam'sSong(Blink182) aec-aec-gec-gec Rock * SolidSnake182 Adam's Song (Blink 182) AECzAECzGECzGECz Rock SoIidSnake AllTheSmallThings(Blink182) A-f-zzze-f-zzzzz Rock 5 1 Thalandor AllTheSmallThings(Blink182) ecZZgbcZZecZZbcZ Rock belbie American Pie (Don McLean) G---F-FFedcd-ZZZ RockClsc 4.5 2 duffman935 AnotherOneBitesTheDust(Queen)AzAzAzzzAACADzz Rock 2 1+ SoIidSnake Batmanuel (The Tick) DzDzCzADzDzDCzAz Rock HannaG BeautifulPeople(MarilynManson) EGEzEAEAEzEAEAEz Rock Brain Stew (Green Day) Ddzcczbbzggbbddz Rock * Remer88 Bro Hymn (Pennywise) g--Gfd--A-e-Cfg- Rock * Remer88 Can'tStop(RedHotChiliPeppers) ffD-E-fffD-Efffd Rock 4 GuitarManARS Carousel (Blink 182) CDEFGFECGBBCDCBG Rock SoIidSnake Carousel (Blink182) cdefgfecgbbcdcbg Rock * SolidSnake182 Centerfold Chorus) B-DBAGGzEGGEGAzE Rock 4 Zoonie Chick Magnet (MXPX) cfzezdzcgbzazbzc Rock * Remer88 CloseToMe-keyboard(TheCure) GzfzeczzzzGzfzec Rock-80's 2 1 Secef Come as you are (Nirvana) ezGAezGAezGABAGe Rock 4 1 AlexInABag Crazy (Aerosmith) ceGA-ZZfABAZZABC Rock belbie Crazy Train (Ozzy Osborne) ddzzzzzzffzzcczz Rock 3.5 1 Thalandor Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne) ddzzzffzzcczzddz Rock 4 1 Scott Rhinehart Crazy Train (OzzyOsbourne) aaeafaeadcbcdcbg Rock Shane Dammit (Blink 182) CzCDzDEGzGDzDE Rock SoIidSnake Dammit (Blink182) c-cd-de-g-gd-de- Rock * SolidSnake182 Damnit (Blink 182) c-d-eg-d-ea-d-e- Rock 4 1 Thalandor Dammit (Blink 182) gab-dab-eab-cba- Rock Shane Don'tFearTheReaper(BlueOysterCult)GADC-GAC-GAC-GAC Rock 2 1 Secef Don'tWantToMissAThing(Aerosmith)BCDEEAFDBDEFF-E- Rock 1 1+ Pikachu4President Dope Hat(Marilyn Manson) g-g-b-b-a-a-aba- Rock Engel (Rammstein) G---gd---gc---gz Rock PSXManiac1234 Engel(Rammstein) D--zAC--AB--GA-- Rock 4.5 1 mrviking FearOfTheDark (Iron Maiden) ddaaddeeffeeddee Rock 5 TrowaBarton ForWhomTheBellTolls(Metallica)CBAG--fedcb--zz Rock 4 Whomp&Q-Bird GirlAlltheBadGuysWant(BowlingforSoup)ffGA-Gff-Gf--zzz Rock DM24 Glycerine part 1 (Bush) g-gg-gggc-cc-ccc Rock 2.5 2 Thalandor Glycerine part 2 (Bush) e-ee-eeec-cc-ccc Rock 2 2 Thalandor Hash Pipe (Weezer) bbddbbddbbddbbe Rock * Remer88 HateToSayIToldYouSo(TheHives)ccgbbbgdddbaaaaz Rock 4 1 S Gastelum HeadOnCollision(NewFoundGlory)C-A-Gfffd-ffGfA- Rock DM24 Holiday (Weezer) bededeb--dec--xx Rock 3 1 Stoud Hummer (Smashing Pumpkins) gab-bb-bb-bb-bb- Rock * Remer88 Hummer (Smashing Pumpkins) gab-bb-bgab-bb-b Rock * Remer88 If U C Jordan AD-B-BA-ad-b-ba- Rock 5 Zoonie I get Around (Beach Boys) GGGG-eeee-AdCBAx RockClsc Stoud I'mBurningForYou(BlueOysterCult) e-decG--e-dec--z Rock 3 1 Secef In the Garage (Weezer) ACG-BDA-ACGAFFF- Rock 4 1 Stoud In Too Deep-Chorus (Sum41) CDf-Gf-CDf--GA-z Rock 3 Zoonie InAGaddaDaVida(IronButterfly)d-d-fecdBAGdzzzz Rock 2 Iron Man A-CzCDDzA-CzCEDz Rock 3 Zoonie Ironman (Black Sabbath) g-c-cdd-fffdcdd- Rock 3 MethRattle Jeremy opening (Pearl Jam) g-cdg-G---g-f--- Rock heliotropic Land Of Confusion (Genesis) f-e-dc-e-a-c--zz Rock-80's 2 1 Secef Lateralis (Tool) D-A-GA-C-A-GAGAZ Rock gozar LifestylesOTRich&Famous(GoodCharlotte) EBB-BAGAG-BAGAG Rock 3 Zoonie Limelight (Rush) cefacCg-gef Rock 4 1 tiggerthehun Linkin Park - In The End A-D-D-C-B-B-B-B- Rock 4.5 1 Venusaur Rules Lithium (Nirvana) aagazdefdcdbzaba Rock 4 1 AlexInABag Longview (Green Day) ga-e-d-cag-d-c-g Rock 2 1 conkergregg MarlynMansonAteMyGirlfriend(RelientK) bbcbabcccce-d-xx Rock Stoud Minority-Chorus (Green Day) E-DCCzCCD-E-C--z Rock 4 Zoonie Mother (Pink Floyd) DDDDzbczbg--zzz Rock 4 2+ anonymous My Own Prison (Creed) b--b--b-cdefdbg Rock 3 1 Thalandor Our House (Talking Heads) B-AzzABCEABGzB-A Rock 4.5 1 Vespa Party Hard (Andrew W.K.) gggggzddccczbbbz Rock 4 1 conkergregg Photograph (Def Leopard) fffeezzzff-d--zz Rock 4 1 Thalandor RockinTheSuburbs(Ben Folds) cedcdc-ccd-edc-c Rock 2 1 Secef Say it aint So (Weezer) Gfff-Gfce-xxxxxx Rock 3 1 Stoud Schism (Tool) ddCDdfdeddCDdfeg Rock roccobladr Shine (Collective Soul) dezze-zd-cc-c-zz Rock 5 1 Thalandor SmellingLikeARose(StoneTemplePilots) dxf--xcddcfcdcdc Rock Stoud SmellsLikeTeenSpirit(Nirvana) FFF--BB--AAA--DD Rock * ChMooKie SmokeOnTheWater(DeepPurple) g-a-b-zg-a-Cbzzz Rock 4 1 ActivKino Space Oddity (David Bowie) cc--c-df--ed--cb Rock 5 1 Secef Superfly a--G-A--a-G-A-zz Rock * Stoud StaringAtTheSun (Offspring) GAGfdcd-f-A-fGzz Rock ParticleJT Surfin' (chorus) (Weezer) e-fGdcbxe-fGd-xx Rock Stoud Surfin' (opening) (Weezer) fDCfeDCedeGgxxxx Rock Stoud Sweetness (Jimmy Eat World) ffG-A-f-zA-G-f-e Rock 4 1 Thalandor The Middle (Jimmy Eat World)AA-fzfzzf-fe-AAA Rock 4 1 Thalandor The Remedy-Chorus B-G-E-G-EDDE--zz Rock 3 Zoonie There Is (Boxcar Racer) ccGcc-ccfed-bc-z Rock DM24 Ti__y Twister (Diesel Boy) edggddAAbbggddb Rock * Remer88 Time of your life (Greenday)EEfGfEEfEDCD Rock 1 1 tiggerthehun VideoKilledTheRadioStar(Buggles) BDD-D-DD-EC-C--- Rock 4 MethRattle WerewolvesOfLondon(WarrenZaven)aG-GF-FFdF-aG-GF Rock 4 1 Vespa WhyDon'tYouGetAJob?(Offspring)AA-GfGAGfGf-f-zz Rock DM24 Wish You Were Here(P.Floyd) f-c--zfefecd-g-- Rock 5 1 graedus You really got me 1 (Kinks) D-D-F-G-E-D-C-D Rock bjackm You really got me 2 (Kinks) D-F-G-A-G-F-D-G-F-C-D Rock bjackm ZephyrSong,The(RedHotChiliPeppers)-ef-G--f-ef--zz Rock 4 1 Secef Aijou Ippai (Sakura Taisen) c--de-dcf--AC--z Show Tune 4 1 HappyChristmas(SakuraTaisen)gAgAC--gAgAedc-- Show Tune 4 1 KibouNoHoshiYo(SakuraTaisen)bcd-bgd-bcdbgec- Show Tune 3 1 NayamashiMambo(SakuraTaisen)C-g-zCBCB-A--zzz Show Tune 5 1 SumireChaChaCha(SakuraTaisen)g-A-g--efe-dc--z ShowTune 4 1 Tsubasa (Sakura Taisen) cde-g-C--CCBABAg Show Tune 3 1 Adult Swim Theme g-a-zggzag-a-zzz T.V. 2.5 1 HuanLp A-Team Theme(MikePost&PeteCarpenter)C-GC----fG-c T.V. 4 Phoojoeniam BeverlyHillsCop(AxelFoley) eeGGeAAdeeBBeCBG T.V. JarrodE/bjackm BeverlyHillsCop(AxelFoley) eZCZeAAdeZBZeCBG T.V. JarrodE Cheers Theme eedefGGGAGfefdc T.V. 1 1+ doughboyee Cheers theme f---cdfAG-G-zz T.V. 2 1+ Hedgehog14 Cheers Theme, Intro c-gaceddc-gacef- T.V. 2.5 2+ Bman CheersThemeWhereEverybody...GGGAGfef-dczbcde T.V. 3 1 Bman Dragon Ball Z Opening ge-deGe-ge-de--Z T.V. EinTheDoggyDog Flintstones GcCAGcGfeefGcde- T.V. 3 1+ belbie Fraggle Rock Theme cxcxcxabcxcxcxab T.V. Stoud Happy Days Theme adfABCBzbeGBCDC T.V. 1.5 2+ GreenLatrine Itchy and Scratchy Gc-GE-GcGcGE-CDE T.V. 4 1 Brian5701 Jigglypuff's Song c--Ge-d--ef-e--z T.V. 4 1+ Medi Guy LoneRanger(WillTelOverture) gggzgggzggczdzez T.V. 4 1+ Cromis LumberjackSong(MontyPython) g-c-dedcba-a-a-- T.V. Mr. Wizard Main Street Electrical czefGzczdzfzezzz T.V. bjackm M*A*S*H TV Opening e-f-ef-e-f-e-d-- T.V. 4 2+ Secef M*A*S*H* DC--BCB- C-B-A--z T.V. 3 1+ Candy Mcdonalds - Put a Smile On cccacd_GGGe-dc-- T.V. 4 1 greatn Meow Mix Theme CBAGCBAGCBCDDBAG T.V. 3 1 EdenX M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E eeezeeezGefdfzzz T.V. 2 1+ Wraith10 MST3K theme aaa-a-aa-b-azzzz T.V. * The Crow MST3K theme AAA-A-AA-B-Azzzz T.V. * The Crow Muppet Show Theme CCABABG-zCCABAG- T.V. * Toz Muppets CCABABG-CCABAG-- T.V. belbie Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Song dcbddddd-dceeee- T.V. 2 1+ KirbyofPopstar Peanuts theme c-dezedcd--c---z T.V. 3.5 2+ EvilLemmy Peanuts theme cdezedczdc--zz T.V. chcherrycola ReBoot Theme C-c-f-A-C-BAGD-- T.V 3 1 Avatar Z Rubber Ducky ede-G-F-CB---ZZZ T.V. 1 1+ bjackm Rugrats Theme cdefGA-G-efedzc- T.V. cooljay108 Sailor Moon bccC-CB-BA-G-B-z T.V. 4 1 Philly-Madison SailorMoonTheme(JapaneseVersion)adfA-AG-Gffe-Gzz T.V. 4 1 ThePhantasm Scooby-Doo Theme EEDDC-DFa-ZabgEE T.V. PsychoFerret Scooby Doo Theme EEDDC--df-a--zzz T.V. sswope11 Sesame Street C--A-f-fGAZC-A-f T.V. 3 1+ bjackm Sienfeld DCBGfdcbggbdfbcc T.V. belbie Simpsons Theme F-AzBDC-AzFcbbbc T.V. DiabloKlungo Simpsons f--A-B-DC--A-f-d T.V. * CapnScurvy Simpsons fAZBDCAZfcbbbc T.V. JarrodE/bjackm Song that Never Ends, The gabc-b-a-c-b---z T.V. 4 2+ Dark_Omen Song that Never Ends, The GABC-B-A-C-B---z T.V. 5 1+ Dark_Omen Sponge Bob Theme CCDCAfACDCA-zzzz T.V. * Stoud SpongeBob-KrustyKrabPizza gccc-dezzc-c-dez T.V. * Stoud SpongeBob-LivingInTheSunlight gabcAzGzgabcAzGz T.V. * Stoud Subway - Clay Henry Song ceG-Gec--ac-eczz T.V. 4 1 greatn Star Trek g-cf---e cadG--zz T.V. 4 1+ Candy Three Stooges gabazbgzzCzzzzzz T.V. 4 1 Tiny Toon Adventures cbdzdedzdbdGdedz T.V. 4 1 KooperKoushiro Transformers DeathOfOptimusPrime a--d--e--f--e--- T.V. Stoud Transformers Theme song dxef-dxefxabxxxx T.V. Stoud Transformers Theme song d-ef--d-ef-ac--z T.V. 5 1 anonymous Twilight Zone Theme fGfdfGfdfGfdfGfd T.V. 4 MethRattle Wallace and Gromit Theme B-AGB-AGBE-- T.V. Wheel Of Fortune theme ezdezdefezdezdef T.V. * Stoud X-files ? aedeGe---CBAGAe- T.V. 1 1+ Cromis Alaska Flag song c-a--ba-bbc-d-e- Trad'nal 1 bjackm Arkansas Traveler CEDCA-AAG-G-C-C- Trad'nal 5 1 Forkbomb Baby Elephant Walk f-acfAGfdbc-zzzz Trad'nal * CapnScurvy Dixie (maybe) eCe-e-egace-e-ec Trad'nal 3 1+ JoeFaust Eighth of January b-b-bag-abagE-g- Trad'nal 5 1 Forkbomb Liberty E-C-E-C-E-EFEDC- Trad'nal 5 1 Forkbomb Star-spangled Banner Gec-e-G-C--EDC-z Trad'nal 5 1+ anonymous Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ccGGAAG-ffeeddc- Trad'nal 4 1 kaprichosa Wabash Cannonball DDB-D-g-agb-d-d- Trad'nal 5 1 Forkbomb WestministerChimes(WilliamCrotch)c-e-d-g-g-d-e-c- Trad'l AnimePimp Wildwood Flower E-F-g---gac-DE-- Trad'nal 4 1 Forkbomb Yankee Doodle ffGAfAGzffGAf-e- Trad'nal 5 1+ JoeFaust Zip-a-dee-doo-dah eZefG-C--A-AfG-- Trad'nal 4 1+ bjackm AnimalCrossing-DefaultTownTheme GE-GFD-BCz?zc-zz benpoke103 Animal Crossing-DJ K.K. CCC-BAGAzezeGA-z VideoGame 4.5 1 AquaDoctorBob AnimalCrossing-DJ K.K. CCCCBAGAgegeGAgg VideoGame AnimalCrossing-K.K. Fusion dfGe-cd-xdfGe-ca VideoGame Stoud AnimalCrossing-Kapp'n'sSong eeGCzGezefGA-Gzz VideoGame Candy AnimalCrossing-Rockin' K.K. cdfCCCCCAfAfffff VideoGame LordCrackie Balloon Fight Theme AzzBDGzzzAEGzGDG VideoGame AnimalCrossingManual Bionic Commando-Area 5 c--e--f---efgd-- VideoGame 4 1 Secef Brinstar Theme CAfAfDCDCAfAfACE VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Bubble Bobble CBAGBAgfAgfeg-zz VideoGame 4 1 BubbleBobbleIIIParasolStars bcdebcdebcd-B-g- VideoGame 5 1 Burger Time e-g-g-fef-A-A-zz VideoGame 3 1 Bust-A-Move/Puzzle Bobble e-eg-g-f-A-zzzzz VideoGame 5 1 Castlevania DDCB-defgAd-AgC- VideoGame zoogpiccolo Castlevania II-BloodyT ears GDB---AGA-D-B--z VideoGame 2 1 Secef Castlevania-Bloody Tears DagFEFEDEFgFECED VideoGame GuardianBooJoh Castlevania-Vampire Killer ddzczb--Da-D-agc VideoGame GuardianBooJoh ChocoboTheme(FinalFantasyIII)C-AfdCAfA-f-A-zz VideoGame * EvilLemmy ChocoboTheme(FinalFantasyIII)D-BGfDBGB-G-B--- VideoGame * LegacyX4 Chrono adefa--ec-- VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Chronos Theme ad-e-f-a--e-c-- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog Chrono's Theme / Epoch ad-e-f-a--e-c-- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger Crono's Theme adefzaeczaceABzz VideoGame Cfree Chronotrigger Magus Theme EDGEzzCzBzCzzBzb VideoGame Cfree ChronoTrigger-2ndLavosBattle ABCBAGAefGA--G-- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Aylas Theme a-c-G--fedc-d-e- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Beginning GcbabcdGcbabcdGz VideoGame Cfree ChronoTrigger-Bike Chase AZGAZGAZGDZCZZZZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Boss Battle ddda-A-G-GGGf--Z VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Chrono'sTheme abef-zaec-aceAB-- VideoGame 5 1 Cfree ChronoTrigger-Frog's Theme e-eecde--A--G--e VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Gatos Theme dZcaZcdddedcacdd VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Lucca's Theme C-ceGC-BBBCG--ZZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Lucca'sTheme/Robo's cc-dd-cdd-Ged--Z VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Magus'sTheme edGe--c-b-c---Z VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Queen Zeal DDZZAAZCCZBCBBZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Robos Theme cc-dd-cdd-a--ec- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Schala'sTheme GGddffddGGddAAff VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Spekkio! e-C---Ge-A---ZZZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Time Circuits adeGAadeGadeAcd VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog ChronoTrigger-Time Circuits adeGAadeGadeAade VideoGame Quaker Oats ChronoTrigger-WindScene CBGeA--AGecde-d- VideoGame 4.5 1 ancient_chozo ChronoTrigger-WindScene-600A.D. dZZeZZfZeZcZaZdZ VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog Double Dragon 1 - Mission 1 BAzBAzB-BAD--C-z VideoGame 4 1 Secef Dr. Mario theme DEDEDCCADEDCC-zz VideoGame 5 1 GreenLatrine Dragon Ball Z powering up e-e-G--e-e-AG-- VideoGame 4 1 greatn DragonQuest1/DragonWarrior1 efGCBAG-Aef----z VideoGame 4 KinCryos Earthbound-A New Friend AcdcdcdabGCEz--- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Defeat a Boss BGDADAbAagz---- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Fanfare FACBzCzACGzAz-- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Meeting a Boss dadadadcCz----- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound-Ness's Theme bcbabcbabczzz--- VideoGame Cfree Earthbound (Onett) cdec--cdedcbczzz VideoGame * LegacyX4 Earthbound (Snowwood) f-BC-BA-ABAGA--z VideoGame 3 1 Secef EarthBound Theme (Nintendo) fACB-C-ACG-A---z VideoGame 5 1 BGM Earthbound-Onett theme GCEA---GCEBAGAzz VideoGame Elite Earthbound-Sound Stone dGAB-BDA-ABGZZZ VideoGame bjackm Ending (Pop'n'Pop) b-cde-f-edcd-bb- VideoGame 3 1 Fairyland Story (intro) CBCBAgAgfefgAED- VideoGame 4 1 FinalFantasy1-BattleTheme aed--zcbazabczbg VideoGame 4 1 greatn FinalFantasy1-Matoya'sCave1 aceaf-edcb--- VideoGame bjackm FinalFantasy1-Matoya'sCave2 A---b-d-cbca---Z VideoGame bjackm FinalFantasy1-Victory dcdcffefeedcbca- VideoGame GortSCHS FinalFantasy3/6-BattleTheme abceGfdfe-a--zzz VideoGame 4 1 greatn FinalFantasy3-ChocoboTheme C-AfdCAfA-f-A-zz VideoGame * EvilLemmy FinalFantasy3-ChocoboTheme D-BGfDBGB-G-B--- VideoGame * LegacyX4 FinalFantasy3-ChocoboWaltzDe D-BGEDBGB-g-B-zz VideoGame MetalGearRexMGS FinalFantasy6-Boss Battle aedcZbcdbga---ZZ VideoGame LockeTH462 FinalFantasy6-FigaroCastle a-c-b--gacbgacb VideoGame 4 Jasan FinalFantasy6-FigaroCastle A--C-B--GACBGACB VideoGame LockeTH462 FinalFantasy6-SlamShuffle(Zozo)azAzd-zefefgfeC- Videogame FinalFantasy7-Aerith'sTheme eGA--zececGA--zz VideoGame 4 1 BGM FinalFantasy7-AfterBattle BBBB--G--A-B-AB- VideoGame FIMBA798 FinalFantasy7-Airship Theme c-deB-A--cdeGfcd VideoGame 5 1 Washuu108 FinalFantasy7-Tifa'sPianoSong gabzBA-gabGFzgag VideoGame 3 1 Puffypuff FinalFantasy7-Yuffie'sTheme gabzzdbzzbcbgabz Videogame 3 1 Bman FinalFantasy8-Eyes on Me gcdeGedecacd VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm FinalFantasy8-LagunaTheme ezAzGzdezeAzGzd VideoGame 3 1 greatn FinalFantasy9-misc a--CD-f-A----zzz VideoGame LordCrackie FinalFantasy9-misc E---g-E-C--bh-e- VideoGame LordCrackie FinalFantasy9-You'reNotAlone eZcZbdaZeeecbacG VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog FinalFantasy-Fanfare AAAA-f-G-AzGA VideoGame kucletus FinalFantasy-Prologue(NobuoUematsu)gcdgf-edcbcdac-b VideoGame 4 1 Leon Stryke FinalFantasy-Victory Music DCDCffEfEEDCBCA VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm FinalFantasy-Victory Theme bbbb-g-a-bab---z VideoGame * EvilLemmy FinalFantasyX-HymnOfTheFayth D-a-g-b--b-a-bcD VideoGame GuardianBooJoh FinalFantasy10-Suteki Da Ne b-c-f-zzA-zze-zz VideoGame 4 1 Thalandor FinalFantasy10-SutekiDaNe def-e-G-efGfdGec VideoGame ElectricStryke F-zero-Mute City GfedefGfed-zzzz Videogame 4 1 NintendoAce F-zero-tetris AefGfedzdfAGfe Videogame 3.5 1 NintendoAce Gauntlet (Stage 1) ezBABzezezCBCzez VideoGame Mr. Wizard GekiteiChorusIntro(SakuraTaisen)C-D-E--EEDCD-- VideoGame5 GuiltyGearX-SuckASage-Chipp'sStage aAGAaDCACAGAaAGA Videogame sean1w2 Grandia Theme gcdf--efedcd--e- Videogame 3 1 Bman Ice Cap Zone dgDgBgggAgBgAgdg VideoGame JazzyCat(DanceDanceRevolution)dezgzgzgzgzgb-zz VideoGame 4 1 King's Quest Theme Dg--b--b--cbab-- VideoGame GuardianBooJoh Kirby64-FountainOfDreams A-e-CBA-ABCAGAe- VideoGame Kirby Fanfare agababcagZGfedbc VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog Kirby Theme GGC--zzzCEGCBAG- VideoGame * Candy Kirby's Theme A-Gfeca-defGezz VideoGame greatn Kuzonoho Detective Agency aeadzazczazzEDE- VideoGame 3 1 Rena LegacyOfTheWizard-Dungeon1 a---d---edeb---z VideoGame 3 1 Secef Liquid Kids g-gC-B-A-BCB-A-g VideoGame 4.8 1 Luigi's Mansion ffff-dfe-dzzzzzz VideoGame * GoldenPhoenix Luigi's Mansion Haunted bb-bb--gba--g--- VideoGame Cfree Magus' Theme edGe--cbc---Z VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Mario Fanfare BB-B-GB-D--d--zz VideoGame anonymous Mario Fanfare eeZeZceZGZZZgZZZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Mario Intro ZZCCZCZACZEZZZGZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Mario is Dead gfzfffzedczzzzzz VideoGame Medi Guy Mario Star CCCdCCdCCBBBcBBc VideoGame zoogpiccolo Mario Sunshine-Bianco Hills CDECzGzefefD--zz VideoGame 4 rapjr11 Mario theme ee-e-ce-G---g--- VideoGame * GreenLatrine Mario Theme Song Intro ZZCCZCZACZEZZZGZ VideoGame TheMan10 Mario Underground GGeeffzzGGeeffzz VideoGame Medi Guy MarioTheme(OriginalSuperMario)fdE-dEgaC-EfEfCD VideoGame Knives Mega Man got weapon GG_AA_BB_CBCDzzz VideoGame * Tell Mega Man theme aedaedaedcb--abc VideoGame 4 1 greatn MegaMan3-TopMan's Theme: cbad--cbad-decba VideoGame 5 1 Kobrakai1223 Megaman 7&9-Bass Theme a--E--G--fGfefe- VideoGame Knives Metal Gear Solid Game Over bbcba-zddezzzzzz VideoGame 4 1 SolidSnakeMGS00 Metal Gear Solid Theme edc---deae-d----z VideoGame 3 1 SoIidSnake Metroid Item Theme CageczDBgdefefe VideoGame PsychoFerret Metroid item Find cfGABGdGCAfde--z VideoGame 4.5 1 Dudeman734 Metroid Save Room Theme g-c-b-g-a----z VideoGame 4.75 majinthemighty87 Metroid Weapon Found Theme gabcebabGdbga--- VideoGame 3 1 Avatar Z Moshimo (Sakura Taisen 2) ede-c-dgg--zzzzz VideoGame 5 1 Mother 1st Melody bzdzezAazaz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 2nd Melody azAazezdzbz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 3rd Melody -bzdzezAzbz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 4th Melody Aazfzdzezcz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 5th Melody -czezdzgzEz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 7th Melody -azgzAzfzEz----- VideoGame Cfree Mother 8th Melody -GzBzfzazgz----- VideoGame Cfree NameRegister(BubbleSymphony)g-fefg-ccfedef-- VideoGame 3 1 Pokémon Bicycle Song G-E-F-G-C-B--A-- VideoGame Quirky Pokemon Trainer Battle GdGffGAEAGGAdddd VideoGame * Animelee Protoman's Theme (Megaman3) DfG-fA-DfA-G-fCD VideoGame Knives Psycho Soldier BAgf-eg-e--d-ee- VideoGame 4 1 Punch Out beginning fight abcb-cd-cded-e-G VideoGame belbie Resident Evil Saferoom(RE2) a-e-A-e-f-d-d--- VideoGame Knives Sakura (Sakura Taisen) E-DCDEAg-zzzzzzz VideoGame 5 1 Simon's Quest-Bloody Tears) d-AG-dcd-A-Gzzz VideoGame iamjackspost SSBM-Fox's Victory cfcz-cfc-Cgg-eEg VideoGame Cfree SSBM-Marth's Victory g-gceG-fea-bcdG- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog SSBM-Onett ecef-f-fgdfe--ZZ VideoGame Socrates3 SSBM-Whispy Woods beginning EZCZCBAZABCAGAE- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog SSBM-WhispyWoods gacccdeedcbbbcb- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog Starfox (original) credits CgCED---CgCEFD-- VideoGame Hedgehog14 Starmine (Ryu) BEATMANIA E-E-D-DE-E-EDCBA VideoGame PenanceArkana Starting (bump and jump) g-------G------- VideoGame * * Mallow Super Metroid (Brinstar) CAfAfDCDCAfAfACE VideoGame MewtwoSSBM Super Mario Bros. Caves bBgGaAZZZZbBgGaA VideoGame LockeTH462 Super Mario Bros. Lose Life d-d-ccddbbzz---- VideoGame Cfree SuperMario Bros2(level 1-1) GceG-ceGbeBA--zz VideoGame 4 1 greatn SuperMario Brothers Theme CzzGzzEzzAzBzAG- VideoGame * Stoud Super Mario Bros. Theme C-zG-zE-zAzBzAG- VideoGame 3 1 Gryn SuperMario RPG, Valentina DCDAfEDfBGBfEDbz VideoGame LordCrackie SuperMarioKart-GhostValley gaCD---G---F--aa VideoGame LordCrackie SuperMarioRPGFrogPondThing1 GAEDCDCDECGCDABC VideoGame Bump SuperMarioRPGFrogPondThing2 ABCDGCDE VideoGame Bump SuperMarioSunshine-DelfinoPlazaTheme DEEGF-D-DEEGF-D Videogame 4 Pokemario SuperMarioWorldSNES-DinosaurLand e-cgaccagccGe-d- VideoGame 3.5 1 LanceB TacticsOgre-K.o.L.BattleVictory a-ebc-GeG---A--- VideoGame EinTheDoggyDog Tetris e-bcd-cba--zzzzz VideoGame GuardianBooJoh Tiny Toons fef-fgf-fefBfgf- VideoGame 2 1 belbie Top Man(Mega Man 3) cbad--cbad--decb VideoGame 3 1 greatn Turrican aeA-aeA-A-Ag--zz VideoGame Turrican II B-e-E-e-D-AB-e-z VideoGame 4 1 Turrican III B-Be-e-E-eDdBbAe VideoGame 4 1 Turrican III (alternate) B-B-e-e-E-EDDBBAA VideoGame 4 1 Turrican III-Bionic Action B-B-C-CB-ABA--zz VideoGame 4 1 Turrican III-TheDesertRocks C-B-zA-AAzA-B-zz VideoGame 4 1 Urban Trail (Night Striker) gAfec-dzzzzzzz VideoGame 3 1 Wily Fortress boss BABCeABCBABCeABC VideoGame 3 1 greatn Wily's fortress aedfeAGe-A-f-G-E VideoGame 2 1 greatn Yoshi's Island ending B-zG-zGGGBBECA-- VideoGame LordCrackie Yoshi's Island map theme bcdzGzeGBzCBCBdg VideoGame bjackm Yoshi's Story Treasure Hunt ccccC-cczA-cd--z VideoGame 5 1 Washuu108 Yoshi'sIsland-SuperMarioWorld2 EzDEDzBzCzBCBzGz VideoGame Cfree Yuffie'sTheme(FinalFantasy7)gabzzdbzzbcbgabz Videogame 3 1 Bman YumeNoTsuduki(SakuraTaisen2)bcd--edbdgA---B- VideoGame4.5 Zelda "unlock" music AGecadGCzzzzzzzz VideoGame 2 1+ EinTheDoggyDog Zelda Fanfare G-d--GGABCDZZZZZ VideoGame 3 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda Oath To Order A-f-d-f-A-D--zzz VideoGame 5 1+ GreenLatrine Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire f-d-f-d-A-f-A-f- VideoGame 2 1+ Knives Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire fdfdafafGeGeBGBG VideoGame 3 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire fdfdAfAf--zzzzz VideoGame 4 1+ GreenLatrine Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire GEGEBGBGAfAfCACA VideoGame 4 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Bolero of Fire fdfdAfAfGeGeBGBG VideoGame 4 1+ Cromis Zelda OOT-Epona's Song CAG-CAG-CAG-A-G- VideoGame 4 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Epona's Song DBA--DBA--DBABA- VideoGame 3 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Epona's Song DBA-DBA-DBABAzzz VideoGame 3 1+ Kindori Zelda OOT-Epona's Song EDC-EDC-EDC-D-C- VideoGame 1 1+ tplay Zelda OOT-Goron Lullaby d-A-B-d-A-B-A-d- VideoGame 2 1+ GreenLatrine Zelda OOT-LonLonRanch DBA---DBA---DBA- VideoGame 4 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT Lullaby A--C--GfGA--CD VideoGame 2 1+ JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT Lullaby b-D-A-G-ab-D-A-GA VideoGame 3 1+ Knives Zelda OOT-Epona's Song DBA-DBA-DBA-B-A- VideoGame FIMBA798 Zelda OOT-Requiem of Spirit a--c-a-e--c--a-- VideoGame 5 1 Zelda OOT-Requiem Of Spirit d-e-d-G-e-d-G--z VideoGame * Kindori Zelda OOT-Requiem Of Spirit d-fdA-f-d--zzzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda OOT-Temple of Time Ad-fAd-fACB-G--- VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Temple Song -CgCGAC-- VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm Zelda OOT-Zelda's Lullaby bda-bda-bdAGDcb- VideoGame * Spinarakboi Zelda OOT-Zelda's Lullaby b-D-A-G-ab-D-A-GA VideoGame Knives Zelda Theme A-d--AABBCD--zzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-Eligy Of Emptiness A--BAfADB--zzzzz VideoGame * GreenLatrine Zelda-LA-BalladOfTheWindFish ABC-ABC-CBAEG-A- VideoGame 5 1 bjackm Zelda-LA-BalladOfTheWindFish abc-Zabc-cbag-a- VideoGame 4.5 1 TellahC ZeldaLinkToPast-LostWoods AAA-AAAzBBB-BABz VideoGame 3 1 Avatar Z Zelda-Minuet Of Forest dDB----ABA---
Zelda-Minuet Of Forest dDB---ABA--- Zelda-Minuet Of Forest dDb--ABA--zzzzz Zelda-New Wave Bossanova B---DBA---fBA--- Zelda-Nocturne Of Shadow B-A-AdBAf--zzzz Zelda-Saria's Song fABfABEDCBAgeZ Zelda-Saria's Song fABfABfABEDBC Zelda-Saria's Song fAB-fAB-fABED-CB Zelda-Saria's Song fAB-fAB-fABED-ZZ Zelda-Saria's Song GBC-GBC-zzzzzzzz Zelda-Saria's Song (no pauses)fABfABfABEDBCBGE Zelda-Serenade Of Water d-f-A-A-B--zzzz Zlda-Sheik's Theme CGa-G-ecd---ZZZZ Zelda-Sonata Of Awakening DBDB--d-A---D--- Zelda-Song Of Storms acA-acA-B-CBCBGe Zelda-Song of Storms dfD-dfD-e-fefeca Zelda-Song of Storms dfD-dfD-FGFEFED Zelda-Song of Time adfadfacbgfgadced Zelda-WW-WindGod'sAria ggg-ce-dc-bc-ab- Zero's Theme aaAzGfecaaAzG---