Animal Crossing World
NES Games


NES Games
Feng Shui HRA
Town Tunes
Universal Codes
Eyes Chart
Funny Stuff

Nes Game Guide

Everything you always wanted to know about Nes Games but were afraid to ask.

Game Availabilities:
Standard = grab bags, trading, redd, etc.
Island = GBA island
Promo = available only from a Nintendo giveaway
Unknown = not yet found, but confirmed to be in game


Available: Standard
Feng Shui: None
Price: 3000

Control Pad - Activate left flipper
A/B Button - Activate right flipper

Results of Scores:
Over 50,000 points - Extra Ball
Over 100,000 points - Invisible Flippers
Over 150,000 points - Flippers Re-appear

Game Concepts
Keep the ball in play! Rather simple concept isn't it?

In the lower part of the screen are three eggs, if you break them all open there will be blockers on either side of the lower flippers.
On the left side of the screen are seven numbered panels. If you break them all open it will open a secret passage to transport your ball back to the plunger.
Shoot your ball through the upper left lane to activate two seals. They will volley a ball giving you 100 points each time.
If you manage to get you ball into the red hole you will go to a special Mario and Peach bonus stage. To open Peach's cell you must hit matching numbers. If you succeed you will earn 10,000 points.
There is set of 5 cards in the middle of the screen. If you shoot the ball over them and reveal a royal flush a blocker will show up between the bottom flippers.


Available: Standard
Feng Shui: Red
Price: 3000

Control Pad - Up/Down chooses club, Left/Right aims shot
A button - Swing

Timing your shot:
The line below your player is the swing meter. To begin your swing tap A once. The second tap of A will determine the strength of the shot, while the final tap will determine the accuracy. Stop the shot in the white area for the best results.

Course Flaws
Patches of the course will often appear discoloured. These patches can alter the speed and direction of the ball. The amount of marks on a course varies but you must always be ready to compensate for it.

Club Strenghts
Club Fairway Bunker
1Wood 262 131
2Wood 240 120
4Wood 230 115
1Iron 213 106.5
2Iron 191 96.5
3Iron 180 90
4Iron 170 85
5Iron 159 79.5
6Iron 142 71
7Iron 126 63
8Iron 109 54.5
9Iron 89 44.5
SW 66 33
PW 33 16.5

Balloon Fight

Available: Standard
Feng Shui: Yellow
Price: 3000

Control Pad - Control your player
A/B Button - Tap to float up

Game Concepts
Float around and try to pop the enemy balloons by landing on them. To brake press the control pad in the opposite direction. You can get a huge (but out of control) speed boost by bouncing off the top of the level.

Pink: Slow and Easy to break the balloons of.
Green: They move from side to side around the same altitude
Beige: Fast and tricky. They might chase you around the screen.
Fish: If you get too close to the water they might try to nip at you.

Bonus Game
If you are able to complete three levels you will be allowed to play a bonus game. Balloons will come out of pipes for you to pop. If you pop all 20 you will get a perfect score.


Available: Standard
Feng Shui: Yellow
Price: 3000

Control Pad - Move player
A Button - Serve/Hard Shot
B Button - Lob

There is a total of five different difficulties to play on. If your opponent is far back use the hard shot to slam it at him. If he plays tighter to the net you best bet is to use the lob to send it over his head.

When you are serving you will throw the ball in the air. You must swing and connect before it hits the ground or you fault your serve. If you miss again you will have a double fault and your opponent gets a point. The best time to swing is when the ball is just above your head. In doubles decide before the match how you are going to split up the court. Either let one person play left and another right, or have one person play back and another forward.


Available: Island
Feng Shui: Red
Price: Sells for 750 but can't be bought back

Controls (Offensive):
Control Pad - Move batter in box, Choose base when running
A Button - Swing/Return to Base
B Button - Advance on Base/Steal

Controls (Defensive):
Control Pad - Decide on kind of balls, Decide which base to throw to
A Button - Pitching/Throwing
B Button - Check the runner

Game Concepts
Choose from six different teams. Teams D and R are the best. Team Y is merely okay. If you are trying to advance press the control pad in the direction of the occupied base and press A. If you are trying to steal press the control pad toward the occupied base and press B as the pitcher releases the ball. If you are pitching you can choose four different pitches using the four directions on the control pad.

Donkey Kong

Available: Standard
Feng Shui: Red
Price: 3000

Control Pad - Move
A Button - Jump

Game Concepts
Donkey Kong with throw barrels to hinder your progress towards the top and the rescue of your girlfriend. You can jump over barrels or whack them with hammers. Be careful though, you cannot climb a ladder if you are holding a hammer. You can also climb a ways up a ladder and let a barrel roll under you. This is not without risks though, sometimes barrels roll down the ladders themselves.

Donkey kong 3

Available: Promo
Feng Shui: Red
Price:Sells for 750 but can't be bought back

Control Pad - Move
A/B Button - Use the spray

Game Concepts
Use your spray gun to shoot insects and protect five flowers from Donkey Kong. Your objective is to kill every insect or push the big ape to the top of the screen. When you do so you will advance to the next round. If all five flowers remain you will get a bonus.

Three Floor Stage: Stay in the middle and focus on DK.
Two Floor Stage: Ignore the worm and only take out the bugs if they steal the plants.
Three Floor Stage w/ broken parts: Head for the top and attack DK or stay on the bottom and attack the bugs.

Wario's Woods

Available: Island
Feng Shui: Red
Price: Sells for 750 but can't be bought back

Control Pad - Left/Right move, Up climb, Down drop
A Button - places all bombs or enemies in a row
B Button - place a single bomb or enemy
A Button + Control Pad - Kick
A + B Buttons - Escape or set an item down

Game Concepts
Arrange falling enemies and bombs into diagonal, vertical, or horizontal lines to clear them. After each level you clear you move on to the next and earn a bit of Wario's gold. If you choose option A you will battle against monsters. If you choose option B you will fight a boss every 10 rounds.

Game Mechanics
If Wario makes the ceiling fall you will have to quickly rearrange anything that might get crushed. If you become surrounded by enemies and bombs press A and B to escape upwards. Hold the control pad or the control stick in the direction you want to go to run up the sides of enemeies. If you clear five or more enemies at one time a diamond will appear, catch it to make all enemies of like color vanish instantly. To make the ceiling rise you must match three pieces diagonally or match four pieces in general.

Fuzz/Spud/Squeak: Place at least two of these guys and a bomb in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. These are the easiest to eliminate.
Beaker/Scram: Plae at least two of these guys and a bomb in a diagonal row to eliminate them. The only other way to get rid of them is with a diamond.
Dovo: These guys change color at random so you will have to eliminate them quickly.
Spook: Put two of these guys and a bomb in a row to make them flash. Then while they are flashing hit them with another bomb to destory them.


Available: Unknown, has been unlocked through Action Replay
Feng Shui: Red
Price: Sells for 750 but cannot be bought back

Control Pad - Left/Right to dodge, Down to guard, Down twice to duck
A Button - Right body shot
Up + A - Right head shot
B Button - Left body shot
Up + B - Left head shot
Start or Y- Uppercut (must have star to perform)

Each boxers has his own special move that can easily to major damage. You can tell when they are about to perform these moves by looking for clues like raised eyebrows, twitches, and shuffling feet. If you fight a boxer twice expect him to be a lot harder the second time around.

If you manage an awesome counter punch or stun your opponent you will earn a star. Press start or the Y button to perform a huge uppercut. The uppercut does major damage to your opponent. However, when you use it you are vulnerable to counter attack. If you are punched when you have a star you will lose it. Uppercuts can be particularly effective on boxers with lots of health or stunned opponents.

Special Codes
075-541-6113 : A fun code that lets you hear a Japanese telephone.
267-853-7537 : Changes your record to 89W-2L-89KO
007-373-5963 : fight Mr. Dream
135-792-4680 : enter Another World Circuit
106-113-0120 : see credits

Your opponents

Piston Honda: If his eyebrows twitch he is about to jab, you should dodge his blow and respond with a head shot. If he blinks red and then draws his arm back dodge left and hit him with a body shot. When he jumps around the ring he will unleash a quick series of punches block four times then retaliate with head shots.

Don Flamenco: Start off by hitting him in the body once. Then wait for his hook shot. Once he tries this alternate hands with a flurry of head shots to knock him out.

King Hippo: Carefully dodge his punches until he pulls his fist up to his mouth. Then punch him in the head followed by eight jabs to the stomach.

Great Tiger: When the jewel in his turban blinks hit him with a head shot or duck. Once he pulls back and spins around the ring you must block, then release and block five times or you will be knocked down.

Bald Bull: When he runs to the back of the ring wait for him to bounce forward and on the third bounce, hit him in the stomach just before he swings.

Mr. Sandman: He will spin his gloves beofre a jab or a swing. Dodge then hit him with one head shot and three body shots. If he flashes dodge three times and give him a head shot followed by hard body blows.

Soda Popinski: Dodge when you see him windup for a punch. When he shuffles his feet you will need to prepare to dodge three jabs and then give head shots.

Super Macho Man: Wait for him to punch, dodge, then counter. If he tries to do his spin punch dodge left over and over. He is the last opponent before you can take on Mr. Dream.

Donkey Kong Jr/Donkey Kong Jr Math

Available: Promo/Standard
Feng Shui: Red/Green
Price: Sells for 750 but can't be bought back/3000

Control Pad - Move
A Button - Jump
B Button - Cancel an answer in DKJrMath

Climb vines and avoid baddies to rescue Donkey Kong from Mario's clutches. In Donkey Kong Jr. Math you must solve Math problems as you climb. The enemies in Game B are harder than the ones in game A.

Stage 1: Avoid the snapjaws and use the islands and vines to make it to the lef hand side of the screen. Then climb up to reach the platform DK is on.
Stage 2: Watch out for birds as you use the springs to cross the large gaps. Make sure you don't hit your head on the moving platform.
Stage 3: Jump over the sparks to get 100 points. Sparks will move back and forth on the platforms.
Stage 4: Push six keys up the vines to free Donkey Kong. Once you do this you will start over with harder enemies.

It is faster to climb if you use two vines. Use the control pad to aim where you are going when you jump. If you drop a piece of fruit on an enemy's head you get 800 points.


Available: Promo
Feng Shui: Red
Price: Sells for 750 but can't be bought back

Control Pad - Move player/choose target
A Button - Shoot
B Button - Pass

Game Play
Choose from seven different teams with equal skill levels. You have to stop moving if you want to pass the ball. Run into an opposing player to take the ball away.


Available: Standard
Feng Shui: Red
Price: 3000

Control Pad - Move bike
A Button - Accelerate
B Button - Turbo

Game Play
You must finish in third in each race to move on to the next one. You do not get any second chances. Turbo makes you go faster but you might overheat. Only use it for steep ramps and near the end of the race. Try to land on both wheels when you jump. You can do a wheelie by pulling back on the control pad to go over small obstacles.

Clu Clu Land/Clu Clu Land D

Available: Standard/Promo
Feng Shui: None/Red
Price: 3000/Sells for 750 but can't be bought back

Control Pad - Push in the direction you want to go
A or B Button - Shoot a stun beam

Race around the screen to uncover gold ingots. Avoid the sea urchins. Your character, bubbles, can grab poles to swing herself around and shoot beams that momentarily stun enemies. Once you reveal all the gold ingots by moving over them you move onto the next level. The gold ingots often form shapes so you will be better off if you can notice a pattern.

A bonus timer will freeze all enemies in place. Bonus flags will give you an extra life. There is a black hole in the middle of every level where the enemies appear. You can swing through the hole as long as you don't land on it.


Mario Bros

Review Written By GreenLatrine

Availabilty: eries 4 e-Card #N02 Mario Bros
Feng Shui: Unknown, speculation is Special
Price: Sells for 10,000 but doesn't appear in the catalog


Control pad: Moves Mario/Luigi left and right
A Button: Jump

Game Concept

While doing some underground plumbing, Mario and Luigi come
across some strange creatures coming out of the pipes. Bump an
enemy from below by jumping up, then kick the enemy when it's on
its back. For every enemy defeated, a coin comes out of the
pipes for a bonus score. Play alone or compete with a friend to
see who can get the highest score.


Shellcreepers: Small turtles that plod along and take one hit
from underneath to be stunned. If not kicked in time, they get
back up, change color, and move faster. (Green = Normal, Red =
Quick, Blue = super fast)

Sidesteppers: Fast moving crabs that take two bumps from below
to be stunned. Kick them before they get back up. (Red =
normal, Green = Quick, Pink = super fast)

Fighter Flies: They hop around the board slowly, and can only
be knocked from below while they're touching the ground. When
Flies recover from being stunned, they hop around twice as fast,
but a color change isn't seen.

Slipice: A moving icecicle that can be defeated simply by
bumping it from below. Don't let it linger or it will freeze
the floors. You don't get a coin bonus for defeating it.

Fireballs: Red fireballs bounce slowly around the screen, while
Green fireballs fire in a straight line across the screen. CAN
be bumped from below to be defeated. You don't get coins for
stopping fireballs.


Coins: Every time you defeat an enemy, a coin appears. Collect
them for extra points.

POW Block: The POW block is at the bottom of the board. Hit it
from below, and all enemies touching the ground will get bumped.
When all enemies are stunned, move quickly to kick them all!

Bonus Stage

When you come to a bonus stage, you have a limited time to
gather ten scattered coins. Collect them all for a super

Super Mario Bros

Review Written By GreenLatrine

Availabilty: Legitimate method unknown, has been aquired through Action Replay
Feng Shui: Unknown, speculation is Special
Price: Sells for 10,000 but doesn't appear in the catalog

Control Pad: Moves Mario/Luigi left and right
A Button: Makes Mario/Luigi jump. Press and hold for a higher
B Button: Hold B while walking to run; shoot fireballs while in
Fiery mode.
Start: Start game/pause game
Select: Choose one or two player game.

Game Concept

While doing some underground plumbing, Mario hears a call for
help from within one of the pipes. While investigating the
source of the sound, Mario is warped to the Mushroom Kingdom,
where he is asked by the citizens of the kingdom to save
Princess Toadstool from the evil Bowser. Jump on top of enemies
to defeat them, or collect Fire Flower power to fry them with
fireballs. Travel through 32 levels to rescue the Princess.

Power Ups

Super Mushroom: Found in ? blocks and bricks, Makes Mario twice
his normal size. While in Super form, Mario can break bricks.
He can also survive one hit from an enemy. While in Super form,
you can power up further by finding a Fire Flower.

Fire Flower: Found in ? blocks and bricks only when you're in
Super form, this allows you to shoot fireballs at an enemy with
the B button. One hit from an enemy, and you revert back to
normal mode. (NOTE: Not ALL enemies can be beaten with

Starman: When collected, it will make Mario flashing and
invinceable for about ten seconds. During this time, any enemy
that Mario comes in contact with will be defeated.

Coins: Can be found in ? blocks, in bricks, or floating in mid
air. Collect 100 coins for an extra life (1-Up).

1-Up Mushroom: Found in bricks and hidden blocks, this green
mushroom gives you an extra life.

Warp Zones

Going through 32 baddie-infested levels can be tough. In three
different levels, you can find secret access to a Warp Zone
which can push you ahead to later levels. (Hint: They're only
found in underground levels)

Some enemies you'll encounter:

Little Goombah: A mushroom gone bad. One stomp puts him away.

Koopa Troopa: A turtle soldier in Bowser's army. One stomp
makes a koopa retreat into his shell. While in his shell, you
can kick it and send it into other enemies. For each successive
enemy hit by the shell, the score will get higher. Hit enough
enemies in a row with a Koopa shell, you get a 1-Up (Green
Koopas walk straight ahead. Red Koopas walk back and forth on a
single platform)

Koopa Paratroopa: Koopas with wings. Green ones hop along in a
straight line. Red ones fly vertically, up and down. Stomp on
them to take their wings away, then treat them like regular

Buzzy Beetle: A large black bug with a tough shell. Stomping
on him will send him into his shell, and you can kick him like a
Koopa. His shell can resist fireballs.

Bullet Bill: Fire out of a cannon and fly in a straight line.
Can be defeated with a stomp, but not fireballs.

The Hammer Bros: Two large Koopa Troopas that hop around and
throw hammers at you. They can be stomped or shot with

Lakitu: Floats above the world, hurling Spiny eggs down from
his cloud. Find a high enough ledge to get up there and stomp

Spiny: They hatch from thrown Spiny Eggs. They can be beaten
by fireballs or kicked shells, but they CANNON be stomped, due
to their spikey backs.

Bloopers: A squid that swims quickly after Mario. Only
fireballs can stop them.

Cheep-Cheeps: While underwater, they swim in a straight line
through the ocean and can only be defeated by fireballs. Above
ground, they fly up at you and can be stomped on.

Podaboos: They appears in Bowser's castle, popping up out of
the lava. Time your jumps to jump over them, or while they're
still in the lava. They can't be defeated.

King Bowser of the Koopas: A giant reptillian beast keeping
Princess Toadstool captive. The only way to beat him is to get
behind him and pull the lever that drops him into the lava. You
can also use a few fireballs, if you manage to get to him with
firepower. Bowser attacks with flames and sometimes by throwing
multiple hammers.

Legend of Zelda

Review Written By GreenLatrine

Availabilty: Legitimate method unknown, has been aquired through Action Replay
Feng Shui: Unknown, speculation is Special
Price: Sells for 10,000 but doesn't appear in the catalog


Control Pad: Moves Link up, down, left, and right. Use
diagonal directions in conjunction with the boomerang to throw
it on an angle.
A Button: Stab with your sword
B Button: Use your secondary item
Select Button: Pause
Start Button: Bring up inventory to choose a secondary item, or
check on your Triforce progress.

Game Concept

The evil Ganon has kidnapped Princess Zelda in an attempt to
combine her Triforce of Wisdom to his Triforce of Power. In an
act of Desperation, Zelda seperates the Triforce of Wisdom into
eight pieces and hides them around the land of Hyrule. While
Zelda's aide Impa was being attacked by some monsters, a young
boy named Link happened along and fought them off. Impa asked
this courageous boy to find the missing Triforce, defeat Ganon,
and save Princess Zelda!

Game Play

Arm yourself with a sword and start searching for the dungeons
that hold the Triforce. There are eight dungeons (Levels) in
all. Some are out in the open, and some have a secret entrance.
Each dungeon contains one piece of the Triforce of Wisdom, and
at least one weapon for Link to add to his arsenal. Each piece
of Triforce is guarded by a boss monster that Link must defeat.
Once Link collects all the missing Triforce pieces, he can enter
the 9th and final dungeon to confront Ganon.

A few weapons and items:

Sword: You start the game weaponless, and must find the Wooden
Sword right away. You can later upgrade to the stronger White
Sword, and the strongest Magic Sword.

Boomerang: Can be thrown to retrieve distant items, or stun
enemies. The Magical Boomerange flies further than the Wooden

Candles: Used to light dark rooms or burn certain bushes. The
Blue Candle can only be used once per screen. The Red Candle
can be used multiple times on one screen.

Bombs: These are used to blow holes in walls and damage

Bow and Arrow: The arrow can be bought, but the bow must be
found in a dungeon. For every arrow you shoot, you are charged
1 rupee.

Rings: The Blue Ring decrease damage by 1/4, while the Red Ring
decreases damage by 1/2. The Blue Ring can be bought, the Red
Ring must be found.

Heart Containers: Adds an extra heart to your life meter,
allowing you to take more damage and live longer. They can be
found in secret caves, and after you beat a dungeon boss.

Rupees: These appear when you defeat enemies. Flashing rupees
are worth 1, blue are worth 5. Use these to buy weapons and

Hearts: Replenish one empty heart in your life meter.

Fairy: Fountain Fairies replenish all lost life, fairies
released after defeating enemies replenish a few hearts.

Ice Climbers

Contributed by Andrew

Available: Series 4 e-Card #N01 Ice Climber
Feng Shui: Unknown, speculation is special
Price: Sells for 10,000 but doesn't appear in the catalog


Control Pad- Left/Right moves Popo Left/Right
A Button- Causes Popo to jump up
B Button- Causes Popo to use his hammer

Game Concept

Guide Popo through the various levels of the mountain by smashing through the ice
blocks while simultaneously fending off attacking enemies with your hammer. After
scaling the mountain, you'll attempt a bonus stage where you must collect different
types of foods and try to get to the top of the mountain and defeat a giant bird;
however, if you fall you receive no bonus points. If you obtain the high score, your
score will appear next to the "I" mark on the title screen.

2-Player Mode

Grab a friend and select the 2-player mode, which is identical to the 1-player game
except you and your friend will be cooperating to reach the top of the mountain; if
yours and your friend's combined score have obtained a 2-player high score, it will
appear next to the "II" mark on the title screen.


Topis- Small, white creatures that scurry across the screen and repair ice blocks
that you have smashed; they can repair two blocks at a time.

Small Birds- These birds fly up above you and attempt to swoop down and attack you.

Icicles- These form off the bottom of the ice blocks; if you are standing under one
when it falls, you will lose a life.